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Montag, 31. Dezember 2007
New Year in Koeln 2007/2008
Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007
Life is a Bag of Frozen Peas
A few weeks after my first wife, Georgia, was called to heaven, I was cooking dinner for my son and myself. For a vegetable, I decided on frozen peas. As I was cutting open the bag, it slipped from my hands and crashed to the floor. The peas, like marbles, rolled everywhere. I tried to use a broom, but with each swipe the peas rolled across the kitchen, bounced off the wall on the other side and rolled in another direction.
My mental state at the time was fragile. Losing a spouse is an unbearable pain. I got on my hands and knees and pulled them into a pile to dispose of, I was half laughing and half crying as I collected them. I could see the humor in what happened, but it doesn't take much for a person dealing with grief to break down.
For the next week, every time I was in the kitchen, I would find a pea that had escaped my first cleanup. In a corner, behind a table leg, in the frays at the end of a mat, or hidden under a heater, they kept turning up. Eight months later I pulled out the refrigerator to clean, and found a dozen or so petrified peas hidden underneath.
At the time I found those few remaining peas, I was in a new relationship with a wonderful woman I met in a widow/widower support group. After we married, I was reminded of those peas under the refrigerator. I realized my life had been like that bag of frozen peas. It had shattered. My wife was gone. I was in a new city with a busy job and a son having trouble adjusting to his new surroundings and the loss of his mother. I was a wreck. I was a bag of spilled, frozen peas. My life had come apart and scattered.
When life gets you down; when everything you know comes apart; when you think you can never get through the tough times, remember, it is just a bag of scattered, frozen peas. The peas can be collected and life will move on. You will find all the peas. First the easy peas come together in a pile. You pick them up and start to move on. Later you will find the bigger and harder peas. When you pull it all together, life will be whole again.
The life you know can be scattered at any time. You will move on, but how fast you collect your peas depends on you. Will you keep scattering them around with a broom, or will you pick them up one-by-one and put your life back together?
Michael T. Smith
If you would like to email Michael, he can be reached at: or find more of his writings and bio by going to
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Bob Proctor
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Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2007
Insight of The Day
Insight of The Day: "'Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.'
Earl Nightingale
1921-1989, Radio Announcer, Author and Speaker"
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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2007
Two Heads Are Better than One!
How to Accelerate Your Success with a Mastermind Group
By Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach
We all know that two heads are better than one when it comes to solving a problem or creating a result. So imagine having a permanent group of five or six people who meet every week for the purpose of problem solving, brainstorming, networking, and encouraging and motivating each other!
This process is called masterminding and is one of the most effective success tools you can adopt! It is a powerful way to support your dreams and bring unlimited resources to your business and personal life.
Participating in a mastermind group has been critical to me. I can’t imagine achieving all I have without one, and it certainly made my goals happen much faster.
A Process for Accelerating Your Growth
The basic philosophy of a mastermind group is that more can be achieved in less time when people work together. Sometimes called a “dream team” your mastermind group is made up of two or more individuals who voluntarily come together on a regular basis – weekly, biweekly, or monthly – to share ideas, thoughts, information, feedback and resources.
Your group can be composed of people from your own industry or profession or people from all walks of life. You can focus on business, increasing each other’s income, building a business, raising better kids, or solving a social problem.
Within your mastermind group, you benefit from the other members who empower you and draw out your full talents, resources and abilities. They trigger you, stimulate and motivate you to become all you are capable of being.
Creating Your Dream Team
Regardless of its purpose, the key is to choose people who are already where you’d like to be in your life – or who are at least a level above you. In forming your mastermind group, start by carefully enrolling another friendly, on-purpose, like-minded individual. Start by meeting together and then adding other selected, unanimously agreed-upon individuals who will work in total harmony for the good of each other and for the good of the group.
1. Your Dream Team should consist of 4-8 people. Most people find that 6 is the ideal number.
2. Meet weekly, if possible, for an hour to an hour and a half. This meeting must be held sacred as a life-enhancing priority. The meetings should be upbeat, enriching, encouraging and beneficial to each individual and the group’s purposes. I always start our meetings with a prayer or an invocation. You could also start with an inspiring story.
3. Each member must agree to play all out — to openly share ideas, support, contacts, information, feedback, and anything else that will help advance the individual and group goals.
4. Start by having each member share something positive and good that happened since the last meeting.
5. Next, have each member share an opportunity or problem they have experienced since the last meeting and ask for whatever support they would like on it. Appoint a time-keeper to make sure that everyone gets the same amount of time. This is important if you want your group to last. Everyone must get value at each meeting.
6. End by sharing appreciations and acknowledgements.
You’ll find one of the real values of a mastermind group is the accountability factor – other members checking up on you to make sure you meet your stated commitments. It’s one way to ensure you’ll accomplish a lot more!
For more details about masterminding, read Success Principle #46 in The Success Principles book or utilize the mastermind worksheets found in The Success Principles 30-day Audio Course.
© 2006 Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield, America’s Success Coach, is the founder and co-creator of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul and the nation's leading authority on Peak Performance. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at
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Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2007
Bist du konservativ oder visionär?
Kirche versus Wissenschaft: Sagen Kirche und Wissenschaft die gleichen Dinge?
Wird es jemals möglich werden, die Kluft zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft zu überwinden?
gefunden von luckyfolks auf Dailymotion
Montag, 17. Dezember 2007
Faith, Belief and Knowing
In every great book there are countless stories of men and women who had great purpose and high ideals; they worked toward and reached incredible goals. Time after time these people came up against obstacles or circumstances that would destroy the average person. These people would find themselves in situations that appeared devastating - they might have lost fortunes, loved ones or possibly had to battle some great physical problem but they never appeared to waiver; it seemed as if nothing could stop them.
You very likely can think of a number of people you know personally or know of, who might be Giants when it comes to producing in your industry.
The record of history in sports is filled with great examples.
What made these people Great was their Belief or Faith - it was unshakable. No one and nothing could disturb or destroy their Faith.
It could very easily appear as if some emotional or capricious God has singled out, reached out and touched these individuals and caused them to do such great things.
Everyone, including YOU, has been touched, blessed, endowed with the tools. You must develop a belief or faith based on understanding, just as these people did for themselves. Their faith was not blind, the bind that is easily shattered like fine crystal with the first knock that comes along. Their faith had a strong foundation based on understanding.
These people are often referred to as being in the spirit, and it is not difficult for them to Believe or have Faith, because they KNOW. They know they can do whatever they visualize. They know they are a dynamic, creative being. They choose the vision and they let God do the work, with and through them.
Bob Proctor
To learn more about Bob Proctor's programs go to:
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Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2007
picture found on FlickR by msohler
“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” -Buddha
"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best. Therefore, it tends to become the best; it takes te form of character of the best and will receive the best.
Also, faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith. The reaction upon one´s one mind produces faith. Every outgoing wave of grateful thanksgiving increases faith. The person who has no feeling of gratitude cannot long retain a living faith. And, as we will see in the following chapters, without a living faith you cannot get rich by the creative method." Wallace D. Wattles
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Labels: Buddha, faith, Gratitude, Wallace D. Wattles
Samstag, 15. Dezember 2007
Die Weisheiten des Dalai Lamas
Empfehlungen für das Leben im neuen Jahrtausend
- Unser Geist erschafft die Welt, in der wir leben.
- Die Wirklichkeit ist weder gut noch schlecht, wir haben lediglich eine Illusion davon.
- Wer aufhört anderen Wesen zu schaden, bewahrt sich damit selbst vor Schwierigkeiten.
- Sorgen kann man kurzfristig zerstreuen, z. B. durch das Trinken eines frisch gezapften Bieres. Doch diese trügerische Fröhlichkeit vergeht wieder, die Sorgen kommen zurück. Wenn wir wollen, dass unser Glück beständig bleibt, müssen wir die Art verändern, wie unser Geist arbeitet!
- Beachte, dass große Liebe und großer Erfolg immer mit großem Risiko verbunden sind.
- Wenn du verlierst, verliere nie die Lektion.
- Habe stets Respekt vor dir selbst, Respekt vor anderen, und übernimm Verantwortung für deine Taten.
- Bedenke: Nicht zu bekommen, was man will, ist manchmal ein großer Glücksfall.
- Lerne die Regeln, damit du sie richtig brechen kannst.
- Lasse niemals einen kleinen Disput eine große Freundschaft zerstören.
- Wenn du feststellst, dass du einen Fehler begangen hast, ergreife sofort Maßnahmen, um ihn wieder gut zu machen.
- Verbringe jeden Tag einige Zeit allein. Öffne der Veränderung deine Arme, aber verliere dabei deine Werte nicht aus den Augen.
- Bedenke, dass Schweigen manchmal die beste Antwort ist.
- Lebe ein gutes, ehrbares Leben.
- Wenn du älter bist und zurückdenkst, wirst du es noch einmal genießen können.
- Eine liebevolle Atmosphäre in deinem Heim ist das Fundament für dein Leben.
- In Auseinandersetzungen mit deinen Lieben sprich nur über die aktuelle Situation.
- Lasse die Vergangenheit ruhen.
- Teile dein Wissen mit anderen. Dies ist eine gute Möglichkeit, Unsterblichkeit zu erlangen.
- Gehe sorgsam mit der Erde um.
- Begib dich einmal im Jahr an einen Ort, an dem du noch nie gewesen bist.
- Bedenke, dass die beste Beziehung die ist, in der jeder Partner den anderen mehr liebt als braucht.
- Miss deinen Erfolg daran, was du für ihn aufgeben musstest.
- Widme dich der Liebe und dem Kochen mit ganzem Herzen.
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Freitag, 14. Dezember 2007
Insight of the Day
"You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind. Your mind gets bored and therefore tired of doing nothing. Get interested in something! Get absolutely enthralled in something! Get out of yourself! Be somebody! Do something! The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have."
Norman Vincent Peale
1898-1993, Pastor, Speaker and Author
Sent to you as a courtesy of Bob Proctor. To subscribe to the Insights of the day click here
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Labels: energy, mind, Norman Vincent Peale
Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007
The Secret Behind The Secret and The Minds behind the Science of Getting Rich Seminar
"The Minds behind the Secret Seminar
Jack Canfield
Jack Canfield, also known as the “America’s Success Coach” was a graduate of Harvard
with a Master’s degree in Psychological education. He has been helping a lot of people for about 30 years.
He studied how people can be motivated, what keeps them on doing the things they want,
what drives them most, and what inspires them in living the life they ever want.
He was a greater writer with great books such as The Success Principles, The Power of Focus,
Dare to Win and The Aladdin Factor.
He is also the originator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul.
This puts his name in the Guinness Book of World Record as the largest book – signing for Chicken Soup for the Soul.
He has achieved tremendous awards for being a success coach himself.
Read more about Jack Canfield here
Bob Proctor
Another success and life coach who is one of the Official Teachers in The Secret is Bob Proctor. He is a great author,
motivator, counselor, lecturer and a person that would always promote positive thinking and self motivation.
The three authors that inspired his life to achieve what he has right now are Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale
and Wallace D. Wattles, the author of the book The Science of Getting Rich
which would be the main focus on the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar - now called the SGR Club).
He made a great work by applying the teachings of these three authors into his own life
and tries to teach others how to do it.
Learn more about Bob Proctor on this site
Bob Proctor Home Page.
Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
To complete the list of the three teachers in the Secret Home Seminar is Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith.
Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is the creator of the Life Visioning Process that scientific prayers, meditation,
and a good foundation of spiritual beliefs. He also facilitates seminars and workshop for intended for spiritual growth.
He is also ca great writer and some of his books include “Inspirations of the Heart”, “Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast”,
and “A Manifesto of Peace”.
Because of his spiritual deeds and humanitarian works, he has been a recipient of numerous humanitarian awards
which includes 2004 Africa Peace Award, Thomas Kilgore Prophetic Witness Award, Howard Thurman Stained Glass Window Award
by Morehouse College, a commissioned oil portrait for Morehouse’s prestigious Hall of preachers, and the Humanitarian Award of the National Conference for Compassion and Justice.
Many have been inspired by his good deeds and spiritual driven principles. He would share some, if not all,
his thoughts in the Secret Seminar.
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Labels: Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, Jack Canfield, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Napoleon Hill Foundation, Science of Getting Rich Program, SGR Club, Wallace D. Wattles
Akademie des Reichwerdens
„Wir alle haben Träume ... Wir alle möchten tief in unserer Seele glauben, dass wir über eine besondere Gabe verfügen, dass wir etwas bewirken können, dass wir andere Menschen auf einzigartige Weise rühren und unsere Welt in einen Ort verwandeln können, an dem es sich besser leben lässt. Zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt hatten wir alle eine bestimmte Vorstellung von der Lebensqualität, die wir von uns wünschen und verdienen. Und doch sind diese Träume für viele von uns im Nebel von Frustrationen und alltäglicher Routine verborgen und nur noch so vage vorhanden, dass wir nicht mehr die geringsten Anstrengungen machen, sie zu verwirklichen.“ Anthony Robbins
Der erste Schritt auf dem Weg zu großem Reichtum ist es, Ihre Träume wieder aufleben zu lassen.
Klicken Sie hier, um zur Akademie des Reichtums zu gelangen.
E-Mail hier
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Labels: Akademie des Reichwerdens, Anthony Robbins
Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2007
Goal Setting is a Process
Effective goal setting is a process.
With the first of the year upon us,
here’s some timely advice as you begin
to adopt your 2008 goals.
found by luckyfolks on
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Labels: 2008, Bob Proctor, Goal Setting Process, The SGR Club, Vic Johnson
Montag, 10. Dezember 2007
Quotes from some of the wisest men in history
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him."
"A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks he becomes."
"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."
~Lao Tzu
"By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."
"Happiness is not being pained in body or troubled in mind."
~Thomas Jefferson
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."
~Dalai Lama
"It all depends on how we look at things, and not how they are in themselves."
~Carl Jung
"A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be."
~Albert Einstein
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Labels: awareness, consciousness, growth, happiness
Putting It All Together
The stories shared on this website, the daily Blog entries and all the inspirational quotes are here to ultimately help you reach your desired goals. The journey, if you commit to traveling it, is simple, but not necessarily easy. On this page, we share steps and knowledge which will ensure your success.
Step 1: Form a clear picture of your goal. Along with the clear picture, give your goals details associated with having reached them. If your goal is to own a certain type of car, mentally see the car, the interior, hear the sound system and add more details that will come with owning the car.
Step 2: You must spend as much of your free time as possible thinking about your goal. You must mentally see it, along with its details, at every possible moment. Proceed with your daily necessities, but focusing on your goal must take priority over all non-essential activities.
Step 3: Have faith that you are receiving what you want. Don't allow temporary circumstances or perceived setbacks to discourage you. And don't even think about quitting. This journey requires some mental toughness. Have the attitude that your understanding is limited and there's a greater force working to make your goals become a reality. However, you must do your part which is to stay focused and keep believing.
Step 4: Live, mentally, as though your goals are a reality. Whatever your goals are, carry yourself as though they exist now. This might require a little effort at first, but you'll get the hang of it if you stay with it. Whatever you want to be eventually, you must be every day....
Step 5: Never think or speak in a discouraged or discouraging way. This is where you lean on your faith. Don't allow circumstances to fool you. There is infinity more that we don't know than we do. Something your current level of understanding considers disasterous might lead to the biggest break of your life. Keep believing.
Step 6: Maintain a grateful attitude. If you truly believe you are receiving what you want, be grateful for it all the time. Be grateful for perceived obstacles because it's all going to work out for you, if you stick with the program. Don't wait until your goals become a reality to be grateful, be grateful every step along the way, it'll make the journey much more pleasant.
Step 7: Work, every day on your job with your goal firmly planted in your mind. Opportunities will open for you. If you're not working, work on finding a job as though it were your job. It's important that you not create undue financial hardships. They can affect your ability to focus on your goals. Conduct your business just as you do now, but keep the vision of your goal in mind as you go through your days.
Step 8: Let go of when and how your goals are achieved. Deadlines will only discourage you if things don't happen when you want. Go on believing, expecting and being grateful that your goals are coming into being. How your goals happen don't matter. The important thing is that they do happen. Stay out of the way and let things happen. Focus on your goals and all their details, all the while living mentally in the environment and condition you want.
Step 9: Protect your mind from outside influences contrary to what you're practicing. The daily news, friends, co-workers and others may mean well, but they will supply you with many reasons to turn back from this journey. If you listen long enough, you'll begin agreeing with their flawed and limited outlook. Also, don't try to mix philosophies in hopes of achieving faster results. You can achieve anything you could ever want by following the steps outlined here.
Step 10: Never compete for your goals. The supply of opportunities and things is unlimited. You don't need to beat anybody to anything. If someone gets something you wanted, have faith that you'll receive something even better. Once again, it's a matter of faith. If you're going to receive all that's available for you, you must believe you will and act accordingly. Believe you've received it, then think and act as though it's in your possession.
The final step is to enjoy the life you've created. You're armed with the knowledge to create anything you desire. It's now up to you to put these principles into practice. The whole world is yours for the asking. You can do, have or become anything you want, if you're willing to take the journey.
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Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007
Who's Driving Your Bus?
If we think about our own lives as being a journey on a bus, surrounded by a great variety of people, all with particular positions on our bus that relate to where they fit into our lives. Some are right there next to us; some behind us; some in front of us... but all are important in playing some role in how we are "positioned" in their lives, and they in ours.
As I write this I am reminded of the movie "Speed" with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves - where they were all on a bus being controlled by a maniac demanding a ransom. The truth is that all too often our lives can be like that; out of control, with someone else doing the driving. A fearful situation? Of course it is!
The brutal truth is that so many people are living-out that nightmare bus-ride right now! Out of control - and don't know what they can do about it.
OK, now you've got the scene in your mind. In order to get some perspective on our own lives, we need to move to the back seat of the bus for a while, and become the observer of what is really going on.
We need to observe who the most significant people are, and how they are positioned in our lives.
Are they standing over us because they feel superior? Are they moving forward in their own lives and leaving us behind? Are they falling behind us because we've chosen to move forward?
So now we are faced with an important question, "Who's driving your bus"?
Is it someone from your past who has dominated you and what you do, even though they may not still be present in your life now? Are they taking you where you want to go? Do you feel like you would like to the bus to stop and let you off? Now here comes the challenge...
From this rear seat of observation, we need to start to move closer to the driver's seat. It doesn't matter how long this takes, and it doesn't matter how much we are challenged by the people who may be trying to block our progress forward. We have to do this for ourselves... starting right now!
Our goal is to be in the driver's seat of our own lives!
It is inevitable that we are going to be challenged, and that's when we need courage!
Yes - we will all take different lengths of time to move forward... that's when we need persistence, and patience with ourselves!
Most certainly we will feel daunted at times by this process... that's when we need to have determination!
We are going to have to ask people to vacate their seats (which can possibly be their dominant positions in our lives) so that we can move forward towards that front seat we wish to occupy. We are going to have to sit in the middle of the bus at times while we learn to muster more courage and determination to move forward again. This is all part of the process, so stick with it because this is all for YOU!
During this process of moving forward we must remain conscious of where the bus is now, and think about where we really want to take it once we're up front, and in control.
One very important point! At no stage in this process do we tread on someone if they get in our way (as we move forward), simply step around them and move on.
OK - you've made it! You have asked the driver to step aside and let you have your turn, and now you're in the seat. It's all up to you now!
If you're not too sure of what to do and how to do it, just stop and park for a while. It doesn't matter what you do and how long it takes, because this is your game now - so play it your way!
Get crystal clear on where you choose to take your bus now, and very clear on who you wish to accompany you on this new journey. The rest is a process of trusting your own judgement and decisions.
Good luck... and always remember - "What other people do or say is their stuff; how we react is our stuff.
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Labels: decision, mind, observation, perspective
Samstag, 8. Dezember 2007
My Prospecting Secrets Revealed!
Let me start off by explaining the biggest benefit of providing your downline members with a viral prospecting system.
It boils down to this...
When you have a viral prospecting system in place for your team members, your downline has the potential to take on a life of its own and continue to grow effortlessly while you're focusing on more important things such as family and friends.
A gentleman I recently discovered managed to accomplish the difficult task of duplication while maintaining his full time job and family life.
He mentioned that ever since the beginning of his online ventures he was searching for a system that brought interested prospects in automatically.
He didn't have time to do the traditional recruiting methods because they required a lot of time and commitment.
What he wanted instead, was a huge downline that duplicated on auto-pilot from his part time efforts.
"But did such a solution exist?"
If it did, he said he couldn't find it...
So after many years of struggling to build a solid residual income through network marketing he decided it was time to take the bull by the horns (so to speak) and he created a 3 step marketing system that literally exploded his downline within a few months.
The part that amazed me the most was the fact that he didn't spend a dime on advertising. And his downline is now over 11,460 strong and growing monthly on auto-pilot.
Ultimately I learned that being a successful sponsor involves providing some type of system that helps people build their business, not sitting around wondering why your downline isn't doing anything.
I guess the quote from Zig Ziglar holds true:
"You can have everything in life you want, if you just help enough other people get what they want."
If you'd like to learn more about a brand new prospecting system that builds YOUR primary business and generates multiple income streams, click here
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Labels: Blueprint, Internet Marketing, network marketing, Prospecting Secret
Freitag, 7. Dezember 2007
Zusammenfassung von "Das Gesetz des Reichwerdens"
Es gibt ein Kraft, die das Universum lenkt, und wir können lernen, mit Ihr zusammen zu wirken
Gedanken von Freiheit und kreativem Ausdruck bewirken erweitertes Bewusstsein und vollständigere Erfahrung
Dies ist vom Anfang aller Zeiten an wahr gewesen und wird es immer sein. Das Gesetz des Lebens bleibt konstant und ist immer zuverlässig. Uns bleibt nur zu lernen, wie wir mit diesem Gesetz umzugehen haben.
Das Bewussteins der Gegenwart Gottes ist die Quelle aller Versorgung. Sie kann und wird jeder menschliche Bedürfnis stillen – zur rechten Zeit und im Überfluss.
Selbstvertrauen/Selbstbewusstsein macht Menschen magnetisch, bringt ihre Gedanken und Gefühle im Einklang, so dass sie als vollständige Einheit handeln.
Erinnere Dich in jedem Augenblick an die Macht Deiner Gedanken. Was Du beständig und beharrlich denkst, das wirst und verwirklichst Du. Was Deiner vorherrschenden Geisteshaltung entspricht das ziehst Du herbei. Darum sei stets Sender solcher Gedanken, deren Verwirklichung Du wünscht.
Gedanken sind die einzige Kraft, die aus der formlosen Substanz greifbare Reichtümer bilden können. Der Stoff, aus dem alle Dinge gemacht sind, ist eine denkende Substanz, und der Gedanke an eine Form in dieser Substanz bringt diese Form hervor.
Es gibt einen denkenden Stoff; aus dem alle Dinge gemacht sind, und der in seinem ursprünglichen Zustand die Räume des Universums durchdringt, erfüllt und ausfüllt. Ein Gedanke, der sich in dieser Substanz befindet, bringt das Dinger hervor, das durch den Gedanken geprägt wird. Die Menschen können Dinge in ihren Gedanken formen, und wenn sie diesen Gedanken der formlosen Substanz einprägen, können sie die Entstehung des Dinges, an das sie denken, verursachen.
Um die Dinge in einer Art und Weise zu tun, wie Du sie tun willst, musst Du Dir die Fähigkeiten aneignen, so zu denken, wie Du denken möchtest; dies ist der erste Schritt in Richtung Reinwerden. Zu denken, was du denken möchtest, unabhängig von äußeren Erscheinungen, bedeutet, allein auf der Grundlage der Wahrheit zu denken.
Dann müssen wir die Wahrheit begreifen, dass jeder Gedanke, den wir in diese Substanz hineingeben, zur Form wird. Die Menschen können dieser Substanz ihre Gedanken so einprägen, das der Gedanke Form annimmt und zu sichtbaren Dingen wird. Wenn wir das anerkennen, verlieren wir allen Zweifel, alle Furcht, denn wir wissen, das wir alles schaffen können, was wir schaffen möchten, wir können haben, was wir haben möchten, wir können werden, was wir werden möchten.
Das Universum wünscht, dass Du alles hast, was Du zum freien Ausdruck brauchst.
Durch freudiges Geben und dankbar Empfangen, zu wachsender Kraft und Fülle gelangen, Das ist in den Himmeln wie auf Erden Das Gesetz für alles Leben und Werden.
Der Abkürzungsweg zu Reichtum heißt dankbare Anerkennung.
Es ist von vorrangiger und lebenswichtiger Bedeutung, dass wir eine harmonische Beziehung herstellen, dass ich diesem Punkt einige Aufmerksamkeit widmen werde. Wenn Du die hier gegebenen Anweisungen befolgst, gelangst Du in Deinem Gemüt ganz sicherlich zu völliger Einheit mit dem göttlichen Gemüt.
Erstens glaubst Du also, dass es eine intelligente Substanz gibt, aus der alle Dinge hervorgehen. Zweitens glaubst Du, dass diese Substanz Dir alles gibt, was Du Dir wünscht. Und drittens bringst Du Dich durch tiefe und starke Dankbarkeit zu ihr in Beziehung.
Alles, was Du in Deinem Bewusstsein für Dich und für andere als wahr akzeptierst, drängt in die Verwirklichung; das ziehst Du an Dich, und es zieht Dich zu sich heran.
Wenn Du Deine Wünsche der Substanz einprägst, dann muss dies in einer verständlichen Aussage geschehen. Du musst wissen, was Du willst, und musst dies ganz klar ausdrücken.
Worum immer du bitten wirst, glaub nur, das du es empfangen hast, und es wird dir zuteil werden << sagte Jesus (Markus 11:24)
Betrachte die Dinge, die Du Dir wünschst, als wären
sie tatsächlich ständig um Dich herum; sieh Dich selbst
als Besitzer und Verwender dieser Dinge. Nutze sie in
Deiner Vorstellung bereits so, wie Du sie nutzen
würdest, wenn sie in Deinem greifbaren Besitz wären.
Verweile bei Deinem gedanklichen Bild, bis es klar und
deutlich ist. Nimm dann auf der mentalen Ebene Besitz
von allen in diesem Bild enthaltenen Dingen. Ergreife
gedanklichen Besitz in der vollen Gewissheit, dass die
Dinge bereits Dein Eigentum sind. Halte das Bild des
mentalen Besitzes. Weiche nicht einen Augenblick von
dem Glauben ab, dass es wirklich so ist.
Deine Sache ist es, Deine Wünsche nach den Dingen,
die ein besseres Leben für Dich bedeuten, intelligent zu
formulieren und diese Wünsche einzubetten in ein harmonisches
Ganzes und dann diesen gesamten Wunsch
der formlosen Substanz einzuprägen. Sie hat die Kraft
und den Willen, Dir zu bringen, was Du Dir wünschst.
Je fester und ausdauernder Dein Glaube und Deine
Entschlossenheit sind, um so schneller wirst Du reich
werden, weil Du dann nur POSITIVE Eindrücke auf die
Substanz ausübst und sie nicht durch negative Eindrücke
neutralisierst oder unwirksam machst.
Jede Stunde und jeder Augenblick, in denen
Du an Zweifel und Furcht denkst, jede Stunde, in der Du
Dich sorgst, jede Stunde, in der Dein Gemüt vom
Unglauben erfasst ist, setzt einen Gegenstrom aus dem
gesamten Bereich der intelligenten Substanz in
Wenn Du reich werden willst, darfst Du keine
Untersuchung über die Armut anstellen.
Die Dinge treten nicht in Erscheinung dadurch, dass
über ihre Gegensätze nachgedacht wird. Gesundheit
erreichen wir nicht dadurch, dass wir Krankheiten untersuchen
oder darüber nachdenken. Rechtschaffenheit wird
nicht dadurch gefördert, dass wir über Sünde
nachdenken; und wir können nicht reich werden, indem
wir Armut studieren und über Armut nachdenken.
Ich sage nicht, Du solltest hartherzig oder unfreundlich
sein und Dich weigern, den Schrei der Not zu hören.
Aber Du darfst nicht versuchen, Armut auf eine der
herkömmlichen Arten auszulöschen. Lass die Armut
hinter Dir. Lass alles hinter Dir, was damit zu tun hat,
und erreiche Dein Ziel.
Werde reich, das ist die beste Art, den Armen zu
Sobald einer sagt:
„Ich will und ich
kann!“ setzt er mehr
Kräfte in sich und
um sich herum in
Bewegung und löst
mehr Wirkung aus, als er ahnt.
Es ist nicht Deine Aufgabe, den schöpferischen
Vorgang zu leiten oder zu überwachen. Alles, was Du
dazu beizutragen hast, ist, Deine Vorstellung
aufrechtzuerhalten, an Deiner Entschlossenheit
festzuhalten und Glauben und Dankbarkeit zu bewahren.
Wenn Du Dich auf diese bestimmte Art verhältst, dann
werden sich Dir immer mehr Gelegenheiten bieten. Dazu
wirst Du in Deinem Glauben und Deiner Entschlossenheit
fest verankert und mit dem einen Bewusstsein durch tiefe
Dankbarkeit in enger Berührung bleiben
Gib acht auf das, was Du sprichst. Sprich immer in
ermutigender Weise von Dir, Deinen Angelegenheiten
oder sonstigen Dingen. Nimm niemals die Möglichkeit
eines Versagens an. Sprich auch niemals so, als wären
Misserfolg oder Versagen möglich.
Die kürzeste Formel,
um irgend etwas zu
erreichen: Tue es!
Diese Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Passagen aus dem deutschen
Buch "das Gesetz des Reichwerdens" von Wallace Wattles habe ich heute
im deutschsprachigen Forum gefunden
Was ich von allen
schreien würde ist
dies: Das gute Leben
wartet auf uns, hier
und jetzt. Genau in
diesem Augenblick
besitzen wir die
notwendigen Techniken,
sowohl materiell
wie psychisch, um ein
erfülltes und
Leben für jedermann
zu schaffen.
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Labels: dankbarkeit, Gedanken, Reichtum, Universum
Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007
Testimonials from the SGR Club
"Results in Just 8 hours"
We know that through our power of intention, we, and many others have made this into a reality. We have been in the program for only three days and are more excited than ever. In just 8 hours we saw results, with over 70 people signing up for the free course, and had a new affiliate! $500.00 is pretty good for 8 hours. Now we have been doing this for just three days, we have had over 400 people visit our website. Thank you very much for making that site so quickly for us. It was a snap to set up and customize! We have also had 125 people request the free lessons, and we have 5 affiliates. This is huge! We are honored to be a part of the program and be able to get this new seminar program out to so many people, and offer such a wonderful business opportunity at the same time.
~ Carl & Maureen Banyan, Tustin, Ca
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Labels: 7 free lessons, Affiliate System, Opportunity, results, SGR Club
Mittwoch, 5. Dezember 2007
Bist du konservativ oder visionär? - Doppelspalt-Experiment
Wie sieht eigentlich die Realität aus, in der wir uns bewegen? Alles ist miteinander verschränkt. Raum ist nur die Illusion, das Dinge voneinander entfernt sind. Werfen wir einen Blick in die Quantenphysik... und wir werden kaum glauben, was real ist und was wir als real erachten. Der "Beobachter" spielt eine entscheidende Rolle. Sehen, staunen, überdenken. ... in welcher Dimension lebst DU eigentlich?
Hochgeladen von Horizonfilm
gefunden von luckyfolks
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Labels: Bleep, doppelspalt, elektronen, physik, quantenphysik, Realität, reality, Spaltung, wellen
Montag, 3. Dezember 2007
Habits are formed so slowly that most of us don’t realize what is happening until the habits are too strongly entrenched to be broken. Seldom can one pattern of behavior be eliminated without replacing it with another. It has been said that nature abhors a vacuum and will always find something to fill a void. The best way to thin out the "weeds," or faults in your character, is to identify those traits with which you are dissatisfied and replace them with their positive counterparts. If you have a tendency to lose your temper, for example, find a replacement for your anger. Neutralize it with a positive expression or affirmation such as, No one can make me angry unless I let them. I will not let anyone else control my emotions.
This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at We encourage you to forward this to friends and family. They can sign up for this free service at our web site.
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Labels: affirmation, Napoleon Hill Foundation
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007
Science of Getting Rich Weekly Coaching Calls now Free
You have heard that you can actually proactively create everything you want in your life…but you might not be sure where or HOW to start this process…
Having studied The Science of Getting Rich for more than a quarter of a century, Bob Proctor knows that this little book is THE primary "How to Manual" for changing your entire life.
The book's author, Wallace Wattles, is focused on instructing you toward the fast and sure development of monetary wealth, and that's an aspect of life you probably wouldn't mind vastly improving!
In fact, The Secret movie was a manifestation of this very same book! Rhonda Byrne, the creator behind The Secret, devoted several months to the study of
The Science of Getting Rich, then sought out Bob Proctor who had long ago expanded "this little green book" into a world-renowned seminar and audio program.
The Science of Getting Rich offers much more than mere financial assistance. The concepts and processes imbedded here work just as easily in every corner of your life.
Now, Bob Proctor has volunteered to coach you weekly on SGR, providing added wisdom and insight from 40 years of coaching people around the world. By becoming a member, you have access to these weekly coaching calls with Bob Proctor. It's as easy as that. Just imagine...You now have the opportunity to merge onto the super-highway of life-changing knowledge that implements so smoothly and quickly that it puts the Autobahn to shame!
CLICK HERE to accelerate your journey toward prosperity and abundance and to be apart of the FREE wealth coaching calls! Thirty minutes with Bob Proctor every Monday at 5:00pm EST (Eastern Time).
Posted on ZAADZ on Aug 21st, 2007 by Dr. Matthew
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Labels: Bob Proctor, coaching calls, free, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Rhonda Byrne, Science of Getting Rich, SGR Club, The Secret, Wallace Wattles