You have heard that you can actually proactively create everything you want in your life…but you might not be sure where or HOW to start this process…
Having studied The Science of Getting Rich for more than a quarter of a century, Bob Proctor knows that this little book is THE primary "How to Manual" for changing your entire life.
The book's author, Wallace Wattles, is focused on instructing you toward the fast and sure development of monetary wealth, and that's an aspect of life you probably wouldn't mind vastly improving!
In fact, The Secret movie was a manifestation of this very same book! Rhonda Byrne, the creator behind The Secret, devoted several months to the study of
The Science of Getting Rich, then sought out Bob Proctor who had long ago expanded "this little green book" into a world-renowned seminar and audio program.
The Science of Getting Rich offers much more than mere financial assistance. The concepts and processes imbedded here work just as easily in every corner of your life.
Now, Bob Proctor has volunteered to coach you weekly on SGR, providing added wisdom and insight from 40 years of coaching people around the world. By becoming a member, you have access to these weekly coaching calls with Bob Proctor. It's as easy as that. Just imagine...You now have the opportunity to merge onto the super-highway of life-changing knowledge that implements so smoothly and quickly that it puts the Autobahn to shame!
CLICK HERE to accelerate your journey toward prosperity and abundance and to be apart of the FREE wealth coaching calls! Thirty minutes with Bob Proctor every Monday at 5:00pm EST (Eastern Time).
Posted on ZAADZ on Aug 21st, 2007 by Dr. Matthew
Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007
Science of Getting Rich Weekly Coaching Calls now Free
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Labels: Bob Proctor, coaching calls, free, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Rhonda Byrne, Science of Getting Rich, SGR Club, The Secret, Wallace Wattles