YOUnique™ Wealth - building your mind to produce a Gold mine...: "Budapest, Hungary
October 30th to November 1st 2009 - Budapest, Hungary
Don't miss your first and last opportunity to see Bob Proctor from 'The Secret', at DNA3!
Bob is joined by Philip Judge, writer and producer of award winning documentary 'Millennium Money', bestselling author of 'Stories from the Desk of a Bullion Banker', and Gerry Robert bestselling author of 'The Millionaire Mindset'.
Bob Proctor Gerry Robert Philip Judge
Online registrations opening soon. Contact Us now to register your interest and reserve your seat."
Montag, 7. September 2009
YOUnique™ Wealth - building your mind to produce a Gold mine...
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Labels: Bob Proctor, DNA of wealth, Gerry Robert, Millennium Money, philip judge, The Secret, YOUnique™ Wealth