John Castagnini and Amanda Kroetsch have made it their mission to compile some of the most challenging issues we face in experiencing gratitude into a book series that will heal and open hearts around the globe by sharing one simple message: "Our greatest lessons come in the form of our greatest challenges!"
For about a decade John Castagnini has been sharing his services in the area of personal development through heart opening workshops, seminars, and consults around the world. Having consulted and assisted many different people dealing with many different issues, one concept became apparent to John; The "victim" is not past the "tragedy" until he/she is able to say "Thank God" for it.
As God would have it, John ended up consulting with many women who had experienced rape and assisted them one by one in becoming grateful and watched them with tears of gratitude in their eyes say: "Thank God I Was Raped." John knew deeply that the underlying concept of GRATITUDE for EVERYTHING that one experiences is the greatest wisdom and skill one can learn. At that point John decided to collect the inspiring stories from these incredible women and write the Book, Thank God I Was Raped.
Concurrently, Amanda Kroetsch had experienced the healing power of Gratitude in her own life and was to the surprise of many able to pronounce with great certainty "Thank God My Mom is an Alcoholic/Addict!" With inspiration she began creating a book centered around discovering and sharing the benefits of "dysfunctional families."
At that point, as God would have it, Amanda learned of John's Thank God I Was Raped book, and decided they had to meet. As a result, the inspiring and heart opening Thank God I…book series of Gratitude was born.
What is YOUR Thank God I...Story?
I am so happy and grateful now, that I found this on the myspace-site of the photographer Gary, who accompanied us during the most exciting weekend I had in my spiritual awakening in Scottsdale, Arizona with the teachings, help and support from Bob Proctor, Gerry Robert, Paul Martinelli, Lanny Morton, DP Gates, Tiffany Baron and many, many more new friends ... thank you ... Christian aka LuckyFolks
Donnerstag, 31. Januar 2008
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Labels: God, Gratitude, Michael Beckwith, personal development, power, wisdom
Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2008
Meet Bob Proctor, from the hit movie The Secret or one of his elite team of world class speakers live and FREE.
Surprise - Unscheduled Seminar
You've seen him on... Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show,
Now hear him or his personal team of Elite Speakers LIVE and IN PERSON!
Just Added... Meet Bob Proctor, from the hit movie The Secret or one of his elite team of world class speakers live and FREE.
Attend a Bob Proctor Wealth Seminar
We've managed to get a Bob Proctor Wealth Seminar to come to your area. This is a ONE DAY ONLY event offering practical strategies on wealth creation, happiness, success from one of the world’s most dynamic, compelling, transformational leaders in the industry.
Bob Proctor is a direct link to the modern science of success and The Law of Attraction, stretching back to Andrew Carnegie, the great financier and philanthropist. He is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of the Law of Attraction and is featured in blockbuster hit, The Secret.
If, time after time, you think everything is coming together and the success you seek seems to be right on your doorstep... only to find the pieces really don't fit and you have to start over... you're going to love this seminar! Step by step, piece by piece, this seminar will show you how to attract the results you've always wanted.
Created exclusively for people of action who are absolutely committed to creating and attracting abundance in all areas of you life, you are invited to experience:
* An increase of awareness about why you are NOT receiving the income and
life you know you should be.
* Secrets of wealth from those who have already achieved it;
* How to get past the beliefs (even the unconscious ones from childhood) that
are holding you back from total success;
* Why you should raise your expectations to start reaching your goals;
* How to differentiate yourself in the marketplace.
* Quantum leap your business and your sales.
In this seminar, you will receive time-tested concepts and ready-made solutions that help you immediately improve your results and eliminate the obstacles that have previously blocked the path to your greater success.
The Law of Attraction is revealed.
In this evening program, you will see how to shift your mind to consciously and knowingly attracting that which you desire.
You see, whether you know it or not, the results you are getting in your life are a mirror image of the thoughts you have been holding in your mind. In fact, you might be experiencing frustration because – try as you might – you can't seem to jump to a higher, consistent level of success.
register here for this free seminar
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Labels: Bob Proctor, happiness, Law of Attraction, success, wealth creation
Dienstag, 29. Januar 2008
Empowering Ordinary People to Acquire Extraordinary Wealth
So many of my friends have asked what has changed in my life. Its true that try as I did, I could not get off the merry go round of working to pay the bills and my life seemed economically out of balance.
Today I feel in control, I am rebalancing the scales and have a real savings plan in place and I am starting to enjoy life.
How did I do it? Recently, a friend showed me a system that was specially designed to help people like me begin a real savings program, and at the same time, by introducing it to others, I could get "paid to save".
It is early days but I can see the rewards of compounding time and effort.
If you feel like you need the same, here is what I suggest: register your email with me where it says "Keep Me Updated" on my website.
Don't worry, I wont spam you or give your address to any others.
Next watch the "Become Financially Empowered" video, also on my website. This will explain more about our wealth creation system, the power of it, and why 85% of people need it.
Then, watch the "Compounding Time and Effort" video. This will provide you with more information on this powerful system of compounding and how it pays you to save.
Finally, follow the simple steps outlined at the end of the 2nd video; Apply to become a JWS Colleague on AutoSave here.
All the best on your road to financial empowerment.
Thanks for visiting and I look forward to discussion further with you via phone or email.
Christian Fredebeul
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Labels: financial empowerment, wealth creation
Montag, 28. Januar 2008
After the amazing WAM event last thursday in the Doubletree Hotel in LA. with Kaya Redford, James Dean Armstrong and Bob Proctor himself I missed my lift back to Phoenix and had no Hotel room for this night. So I waited for the next Greyhound bus to come at 1:00 a.m. on a street anywhere in rainy L.A., which did not show up, as you may have expected.
Unfortunately I had not enough money to stay in the hotels I went in, but in the Hilton Hotel in L.A. near the downtown they allowed me to wait for the bus in a very comfortable chair in the lobby - I was more than grateful for that in that night, completely soaked and chilled to the bones. The next morning I walked down the streets and went by train to downtown L.A. to get a ticket for the Greyhound bus back to Phoenix.
In the train I met a friendly old men in a big wheelchair, which lived on the streets, lost his friends and used to play guitar for his living and in memory of his friends.
Later I was so overwhelmed of the goodness of that guy and of all I had experienced in the last week in my Certified City Leader training in Phoenix, that I not only started to cry and to be totally grateful for everything I had discovered about me and the wonderful people around me, but also I decided to give some FREE HUGS to the crowd which would come pouring out of the trains on their way to work ... So I pulled a sign out of my briefcase, where it showed "Kostenlose Umarmungen" on the one side and "FREE HUGS" on the other side.
And without facing the terror barrier, as Bob Proctor names this feeling of coming out of the comfort zone, I shouted out to the people: "Free Hugs, fresh from Germany - I am here to serve YOU". Most people laughed and grinned at me, but eventually 20+ people came to take or to give me a HUG - can you imagine that? One elder lady even started to cry and said, that I saved her day!
That went for half an hour, when a security guy came and asked, what was in my briefcase and what I would do here and where I came from. After answering him he banned me, but I was shure, that I had done something good that day to at least 50+ people, even if I only performed them a beaming smile on their faces, I am sure that I put some positive energy out in downtown L.A. and that, my friends, has definetely a positive impact on the crime rate, wouldn´t you agree?
Would would happen to You and to the world if we would take the focus off our own personality for some moments and give something good to every person we come in contact with - even if it is only a faithfully meaning smile or a FREE HUG to an old lady...
Christian aka LuckyFolks, back home in good old germany ...
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Labels: Bob Proctor, energy, Hugs, Terror Barrier, WAM
Sonntag, 27. Januar 2008
This positive message is brought to you by
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Labels: Napoleon Hill Foundation, po, value
Montag, 21. Januar 2008
I discovered the most lucrative MSI in history
Have you ever thought about building another multiple source of income, that is also the most secure and reliable inheritance for your children, your grandchildren and all the children that may come after them? check this site out and you will literally be blown away ...
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Labels: multiple source of income
Samstag, 19. Januar 2008
Five Simple Rules for Happiness
Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2008
A very special gift for a very special person - YOU
This is a visualiztion tool that will give you confidence throughout your day & your life.
Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? Well it isn't such a secret anymore. The DVD was released in March 2006 and according to Time Magazine, the DVD has sold 500,000 units within the first 6 months. Today it sells well over 5,000 copies a day! It ranked in Amazon's Top-5 sellers during Christmas week; and a tie-in hardcover book just entered the Top 10 on the New York times bestseller list.
The amazing thing about "the Secret" is that you won't find it in your local Blockbuster or Barnes and Noble, it is selling briskly through new-age bookstores, New Thought churches like Unity and AGape and the official website at "It's become the biggest selling item in the 30-year history of our store," says Harmony Rose Allor, a buyer at West Hollywood's popular metaphysical bookshop, The Bodhi Tree. it is "word-of-mouth" marketing at it best.
So what is the secret to "the Secret's" success? It's is a "transformational movie", where a person's view on life and the laws of life will no longer be the same after watching this movie. In a sense, it has created the same kind of effect as "the Da Vinci Code" and the 2004 hit cult movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". The movie has created such waves that it has already been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live and the Ellen DeGeneres show.
At the core of the movie is a central philosophy called "the Law of Attraction". In fact, the movie itself was inspired by this very same law when the producer read a book called "the Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. This books was written in 1910!
This philosophy states that we create our reality, both good and bad! The message is delivered through 24 "teachers" which include prosperity preachers, chiropractic healers, relationship gurus, life coaches and motivational speakers — into one clear, cohesive voice. The movie is a "must watch" for anyone interested in taking charge of their life and in creating the life of their dreams.
Following on the success of the Secret, 3 of the core teachers - namely Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield have collaborated to produce a wealth building program called "the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar". This program is based on the book that inspired the movie and is set to make history as the fastest selling personal development program in history.
What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich." The Science of Getting Rich is all about teaching how to do things in this "certain" way to create wealth.
The success of this program is built on several rock solid foundations. These factors include: the phenomenal success of "the Secret", the timeless concepts from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, the credibility of successful personal improvement teachers and New Thought leaders of our time, and the Internet as the distribution medium.
Learn more about The Law of Attraction & get 7 FREE lessons at
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Labels: DaVinci Code, Law of Attraction, the Science of Getting Rich, The Secret, Wallace D. Wattles, What the Bleep do we know
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008
Samstag, 12. Januar 2008
Gedanken zum Tag
Wenn man die Weltbevoelkerung auf ein 100 Seelen zaehlendes Dorf reduzieren koennte und dabei die Proportionen aller auf der Erde lebenden Voelker beibehalten wuerde, waere dieses Dorf folgendermassen zusammengesetzt:
57 Asiaten
21 Europaeer
14 Amerikaner
8 Afrikaner
Es gaebe:
52 Frauen und 48 Maenner
30 Weisse und 70 Nicht-Weisse
30 Christen und 70 Nicht-Christen
89 Heterosexuelle und 11 Homosexuelle
6 Personen besaessen 59% des gesamten Reichtums und alle 6 kaemen aus den USA
80 lebten in maroden Haeusern
70 waeren Analphabeten
50 wuerden an Unterernaehrung leiden
einer waere gerade dabei zu sterben, und einer wuerde gerade geboren werden
einer besaesse einen Computer
einer haette einen Universitaetsabschluss
Wenn man die Welt auf diese Weise betrachtet, wird das Beduerfnis nach Akzeptanz und Verstaendnis offensichtlich.
Man sollte auch folgendes bedenken:
Wenn Du heute morgen aufgestanden bist und eher gesund als krank warst, hast Du ein besseres Los gezogen als die Millionen Menschen, die die naechste Woche nicht mehr erleben
Wenn Du noch nie in der Gefahr einer Schlacht, ind der Einsamkeit der Gefangenschaft, im Todeskampf der Folterung oder im Schraubstock des Hungers Hungers warst, geht es dir besser als 500 Millionen anderen Menschen.
Wenn Du zur Kirche gehen kannst ohne Angst haben zu muessen bedroht, gefoltert oder getoetet zu werden, hast Du mehr Glueck als 3 Milliarden Menschen.
Wenn Du Essen im Kuehlschrank, Kleider am Leib, ein Dach ueber dem kopf und einen Platz zum Schlafen hast, bist Du reicher als 75% der Menschen dieser Erde.
Wenn Du Geld auf der Bank, in Deinem Portemonnaie oder im Sparschwein hast, gehoerst Du zu den privilegiertesten 8% dieser Welt.
Wenn Deine Eltern noch leben und immer noch verheiratet sind, bist Du wahrlich schon eine Raritaet.
Wenn du diese Nachricht erhaelst, bist Du direkt zweifach gesegnet: Zum einen, weil jemand an Dich gedacht hat, und zum anderen weil Du nicht zu den zwei Milliarden Menschen gehoerst, die nicht lesen koennen.
Arbeite, als bräuchtest Du kein Geld.
Liebe, als habe Dir nie jemand was zu leide getan.
Tanze, als ob niemand Dich beobachte.
Singe, als ob niemand Dir zuhoere.
Lebe, als sei das Paradies auf Erden.
Mein guter Freund Ergün hat mir das heute kopiert. Ich bin glücklich und dankbar dafür, dass wir solche Freunde haben... luckyfolks
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Labels: Akzeptanz, Dorf, Glück, Hunger, Kirche, Reichtum, Verständnis, weltbevölkerung
Mittwoch, 9. Januar 2008
Oprah on Larry King talks about the Law of Attraction
luckyfolks found this on the german Secret forum
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Labels: CNN, Larry King, Law of Attraction, Oprah Winfrey, The Secret
Dienstag, 8. Januar 2008
Eight Year Old Cracks The Code to Happy Thought
I love how a 8 year showed me how to clear my seeking mindset and now
overflow my mind with Attraction mindset!
luckyfolks found this video in the SGR Club Forum section. Sign up for free to the SGR Club here
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Labels: Attraction, mindset
Montag, 7. Januar 2008
Psychic Income vs Material Income
People ask me, "Does The Law of Attraction work?" Of course it works. But that's asking the wrong question. The right question is: "What's my unique purpose, and how can I use the Law of Attraction to give value to the world? When you've defined your true-life direction and followed it, you're living the true secret.
One of the most brilliant minds that ever lived, Albert Einstein, said, "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." I'd like you to count income in a different way from here on out. There are two types: psychic and material income.
How many times have you been involved in a church activity, volunteering, or if you have children - Little League or the PTA? Maybe you've donated your time to worthy causes, and you've received absolutely no monetary or material income. Let me ask you, why did you invest any of your precious time without financial reward? You know the answer; you did this because you received something in return that told you that you were part of something meaningful. You were contributing, giving at a higher level. That's psychic income, and it's the most important income you'll ever receive.
Every single one of us has a deep need to contribute, to give something back, to be part of something meaningful, and that's how you and I are going to define our psychic income. Your psychic income is the most important income you will ever, ever receive.
Money is nothing more than a neutral tool. It's like a knife; you can use it to cut bread or turn it into a weapon. The tool is neither good nor bad. It just is. And it's only defined by the intention of the user. For this reason, let's talk about how we can actually create a monetary income that allows our psychic income to flourish. I'm going to suggest that you create enough money in your life so that you don't have to worry about it. When money becomes a non-issue, you're able to put your primary focus on the other key areas of life - your relationships, your intellect, your health, and your spiritual life. Sound good?
James Arthur Ray
From his upcoming book, Harmonic Wealth
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Labels: albert Einstein, church activity, Harmonic Wealth, Law of Attraction, monetary income, psychic income, purpose, relationships, spiritual life
Sonntag, 6. Januar 2008
Our universe is characterized by order and harmony, yet we human beings must constantly struggle to achieve the same characteristics in our relationships. In fact, human beings seem to find it unnatural to cooperate with others. Successful individuals are those who have learned to swim against the current, to do the things that others refuse to do. They have learned how to work together for the benefit of the entire group. Achieving harmony in any relationship-business, personal, or professional-requires work. Take comfort in the fact that you’ll accomplish far more working with others than working against them. Demonstrate that you care about all the members of your team.