Bob Proctor is the author of "You Were Born Rich" and one of the teachers featured in the 2006 film, "The Secret".
In this amazing program - Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith, and Jack Canfield will personally guide you to develop the mind-set of the wealthy.
Introducing Your Teachers

Bob Proctor - Philosopher, businessman and author of international bestseller
"You Were Born Rich", he has helped people succeed in the area of mind potential forover 40 years, traveling the world, teaching people how to apply The Law of Attraction to create lives of prosperity and abundance for themselves.

Jack Canfield - Jack Canfield is the founder and co-creator of the New York Times #1best-selling book series Chicken Soup for the Soul.® With more than 80 titles in print and over 80 million copies sold in 39 languages. Apart from being featured in the movie, he applies The Law of Attraction in all his teachings, and in his latest book, The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

Michael Beckwith - Reverend Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is one of the most inspiring teachers in The Secret. Dr Beckwith’s vision is to create a world united on an ethical basis of human kind's highest spiritual and social development. He is seeking authentic spirituality, personal development and transformation through selfless service to humankind.
As a non-aligned progressive thinker he founded the
Agape International Spiritual Centre in 1986. This is a trans-denominational spiritual community whose doors are open to all seekers of genuine spirituality. Dr. Beckwith is much sought after as a meditation teacher, for scientific prayer, and as speaker at conferences and seminars.
The teachers featured in the movie have put together
The Science of Getting Rich Program, specially designed to help you learn how to use the Law of Attraction to manifest wealth in your life.
You Deserve To Learn Only From The Best. Nothing else.
What Makes The Science of Getting Rich Program so Powerful?
The Teachers featured in The Secret -
Bob Proctor,
Michael Beckwith and
Jack Canfield have been studying, applying and teaching this material for decades.
They earn millions of dollars every year. But that's not what makes this so powerful... many people earn millions of dollars but they are not able to articulate how they are doing it. Therefore, they are not able to share the cause of their good fortune with others, not even with members of their own family.
This is where Proctor, Beckwith, and Canfield have distinguished themselves... they Understand...they Apply... and they are Masters at Transferring the Science of Getting Rich to others. They are three of the most powerful coaches in the world today.
Understand, Absorb and Master the Science of Getting Rich.
This is NOT a philosophical program on how to get rich.
It is a systematic and scientific manual to claiming the abundance that the Universe has already reserved for you.
If you had Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith and Jack Canfield Teach You How To Use The Law of Attraction To Attract Wealth Into Your Life... What kind ofresults would you be able to see?
How Much More would You be Able to Earn?
What Would You be Able to Attract Into Your Life ?
How would you Contribute to the World and to Humanity with Your New-Found Wealth?
How would your family, community, or business benefit?
Now the Big Question...
If you received training from Bob Proctor, Michal Beckwith and Jack Canfield, true masters who have not only been featured in the movie The Secret, but also built million dollar businesses and trained thousands of people to manifest amazing abundance by harnessing the Law of Attraction....