Everything in the universe is composed of energy. If you were to take a peek inside your body, you’d see that you’re made up of organs. With magnification, you’ll see that your organs are made up of tissues. With even more magnification, you’d see that your tissues are made of cells; your cells are made of molecules; and your molecules are made of atoms. You may remember this from science class.
These atoms are made of even smaller ‘components’ called electrons, neutrons, and protons. Here’s where science class got a little fuzzy for me. At the time I learned this, we were taught that the electrons, protons and neutrons were the smallest units of matter and this is where things stopped. What they didn’t tell us is that these ‘units of matter’ are made of energy. More accurately stated, they ARE energy.
So in short, everything is made of energy. The computer you’re using, or the newspaper you’re reading this in…everything. And what’s amazing is that these different energies have their own vibrational resonance. For this illustration, we’ll call vibrational resonance “frequency” – just like a radio station frequency.
So as this energy is emitting its frequency, there are other energies that are on the same frequency and they tend to draw towards one another.
If you were to tune your radio to 101.9 you would only be able to hear what’s on the 101.9 frequency, which is being emitted from the 101.9 radio tower. It’s the same with energy.
Have you ever sat next to someone and you ‘just didn’t feel right’? There may have been nothing ‘wrong’ with the person, but for some reason you just felt uncomfortable. It was because at that time, your energy was on a ‘different frequency’ as the person sitting next to you. Your energies clashed and it made you feel uncomfortable.
You will attract to you what you embody or what you are “like,” in other words. If you’re gloomy, you’ll attract gloomy people. And if you’re happy and cheerful, you’ll attract happy, cheerful people (or at least, they’ll become happy and cheerful because of YOU).
If you feel broke, you’ll attract more of being “broke,” because it’s a match to you, to your energy. And if you feel prosperous, you will attract situations to help you be prosperous.
found by luckyfolks on www.1stholistic.com
Freitag, 1. Juni 2007
Like Attracts Like
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Labels: energy, magnification, Science of Getting Rich, Universe