September 22nd is an important date as it marks the
100 day countdown of 2008.
With that in mind, I have put together a number of
questions for you to consider as you progress toward the
finish line and call this year a wrap:
1. What specific results have you achieved so far
this year?
2. Are you healthier, wealthier, and wiser?
3. Are you winning, losing or just holding ground?
4. What results are you committed to achieve by the
end of the year?
5. How have you grown and what have you learned
this year?
6. Is there any unfinished business that needs to be tended
to in your life?
7. Are you actively pursuing what's most important on a
daily basis?
8. What habits or behaviors do you need to change to ensure
better results?
9. What is the key issue that inhibits your ability to
perform at your best?
You must live to answer and honor these questions, because
when it comes to the last 100 days of the year, every day
and everything you do counts.
Because we are approaching a significant milestone, I wanted
to share with you an exciting opportunity to finish the year
strong—it's called the 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge!
Are You Ready for The 100 Day Challenge ?
One thing we all have in common is that we all love a
challenge. For some it could be a goal that puts you to
the test, an obstacle that says you can't beat me, a
belief system that is begging for a breakthrough, or
even a mountain that just dares you to climb it.
Whatever it is, you're attitude should be BRING IT ON,
as there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned
challenge to see what you're made, to push the boundaries
and tests your limits as it is ONLY when we overcome these
trials that we get to reap the sweetest rewards.
Gary Ryan Blair, otherwise know as The Goals Guy has put
together what I believe to be the most comprehensive
approach to goal setting and performance enhancement.
The 100 Day Finish Strong Challenge is a structured
performance improvement program where challengers compete
against themselves to achieve a number of challenging
goals and finish the year strong.
You and other competitors from around the world will be
provided with a performance plan, a disciplined
implementation process, daily measurement systems, and
a very unique accountably tool along with specific tactics
and strategies to attain your goals.
Are You Ready to Astonish Yourself?
Earlier this year you set some goals made promises to
yourself and ended up with unmet goals and unmet promises.
Right now, you have the opportunity to close out the year
like a winner, you are staring down the barrel of an awesome
opportunity to finish the year strong and all you have to
do is say YES, I'm ready for the challenge!
It's easy to get started right away.
Simply click the link at the bottom of this page,
and I'll take care of the rest!
Are You Ready for The 100 Day Challenge ?
I wish you a great home stretch during these last 100 days
and encourage you to dream big dreams and take the
necessary actions to make them reality!
Fashion & Gold Business Center
Ilona & Christian Fredebeul
Fon: +49-(0)2202-961392
Skype-ID: Luckyfolks
P.S. So what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking
and if you want to seriously improve your life and
corresponding results, I encourage you to check out the
100 Day Finish Strong Challenge today as it will be one
of the smartest decisions you'll make all year.
Are You Ready for The 100 Day Challenge ?
Freitag, 19. September 2008
(Are you ready for) The 100 Day Challenge ?
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Labels: challenge, mind, Opportunity, results