From our friend and teacher DP Gates:
Check out this book Living the Law of Attraction when it comes out...
they picked 62 stories for the book and did 7 interviews from those stories.
He did his interveiw last week...great concept & great authors.
The following is an excerpt from the Introduction by Rich German:
The teaching of the Law of Attraction has become mainstream. What was once only known to a few is now known and applied by the masses. This book is a compilation of real-life stories written by people who are truly living the Law of Attraction. You will notice that those who have applied this law into their everyday lives are experiencing what used to be considered miracles. What was once miraculous is now commonplace … everyday miracles.
There are many excellent books written by powerful teachers discussing the Law of Attraction. This book, as the title implies, is about the application of the law. It will show you that anyone, in any situation, regardless of age, sex, economic background, or previous mindset can practice it and experience greater levels of happiness, love, and abundance. We are all incredibly powerful manifesters … we just need to apply the principles.
The world is changing right before our eyes. The consciousness of the planet is growing. While the Law of Attraction is nothing new, a new understanding of it has created a shift in the overall awareness of human beings. People are more focused on contribution and improving the planet. We are quickly moving into an age in which love and truth will prevail. The more people live the Law of Attraction, the more they will experience prosperity, and the less suffering will exist.
If you can accept the fact that you have created everything in your reality that does not work, then you have the power to manifest a reality in which everything does work. This is called taking 100 percent responsibility for your life—this is called freedom. This power, as more people become aware of it, is literally changing the world in this moment. We have entered a new revolution of thought, understanding, and consciousness. This is a revolution in which individuals will experience more happiness as selflessness replaces selfishness. “How may I serve?” will replace “What’s in it for me?” as the social mantra. People will see that when they focus on others, their personal needs are always met. This service-based way of living is creating a higher collective consciousness. The entire world will experience more peace, love, harmony, and abundance.
As a business and life coach, I have been practicing and teaching the Law of Attraction for several years. I have personally seen the lives of thousands of people changed almost immediately after being exposed to the Law of Attraction.
Like the law of gravity, it applies to everyone whether they believe in it or not. As you begin to believe in and implement the principles, you can create the life of your dreams. The life you want, wants you.
My own life is one full of incredible amounts of gratitude, passion, love, joy, contribution, great relationships, health, happiness, and abundance. If you live by the simple principles, you too will enjoy exactly whatever it is you desire.
Do not believe what you have heard.
Do not believe in tradition because it is handed down many generations.
Do not believe in anything that has been spoken of many times.
Do not believe because the written statements come from some old sage.
Do not believe in conjecture.
Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders.
But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and it will benefit one and all,
then accept it and live by it.
As with any subject that captures the attention of so many people so quickly, the Law of Attraction has garnered its share of negative press. Since The Secret took off and Oprah hosted shows on the topic, some people have said it is not true and that it is misleading the public. That is the beauty of this book. Included within the following pages are real stories from real people who are experiencing the power of this law. Don’t tell them it is not real. And whether you call these experiences miracles, magic, coincidence, or just luck is irrelevant. What is relevant are the results people are experiencing.
We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed creating it. We hope it inspires you to envision and attract the life you truly desire. We hope you experience a life full of abundant wealth, vibrant health, and incredible amounts of happiness. Millions of people around the world are now living the Law of Attraction. Enjoy the following stories of people who have put the Law of Attraction into action!
Keep spreading the word, and keep sharing your stories. Let’s change the world. Let’s create a world full of peace and prosperity for all.
As previously mentioned, there are many great teachings available on the Law of Attraction. The Secret (both the movie and book) does a fantastic job of explaining both the power and simplicity of the law. Esther Hicks does a wonderful job of teaching the principles, and we recommend any and all of the teachings of Abraham ( Lynn Grabhorn’s Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting is another superb book on the subject. Also, all of Wayne Dyer’s more recent material is excellent in describing the power of the law.
Before getting to the stories, let’s define what the Law of Attraction is and then walk through the process (the exact steps) required to manifest what you desire. Our intention is that you understand the following process, get inspired by the stories, and then go out and attract the life of your dreams.
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws in the Universe. Like gravity, it is absolute, constant, and unwavering. It works whether you know about it or not. So what is the Law of Attraction? Try on this definition:
You attract into your life anything you give your energy and attention to.
In other words, like attracts like. In even simpler terms, it is fair to say:
Think good thoughts, attract good things…
Think bad thoughts, attract bad things!
Let’s expand the definition by stating that you draw toward you everything you focus on, whether you want it or not. Whatever you think about, talk about, and feel—either good or bad, positive or negative—will be pulled like a magnet into your experience. You truly are the creator of your own reality.
Now that you understand conceptually what the Law of Attraction is, the key is to be able to use its power to create a better life … a life full of health, wealth, happiness, and anything else you desire. The answers lie in the six simple steps to follow...
(The actual book includes Rich's Six Steps to Manifestation)
Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008
Everyday Miracles - The following is an excerpt from the Introduction by Rich German:
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Labels: dp Gates, Law of Attraction, Rich German