Brian Wong & Anthony Robbins
I am so happy and grateful now to have met Brian Wong through the SGR Club, because he and his fellow affiliates have helped me so much with online business and marketing the SGR Club Home Study Course.
today I received this e-Mail from Brian:
Five years ago, one of my mentors taught me a mantra or motto or whatever you call it. Its basically a phrase that characterizes your actions. A phrase you live by. That phrase was "Live With Passion".
I have those words written on a wrist band that I wear everyday, its on my instant messenger title, and even my social networking profile pages. Yes, and even on my laptop and phone.
This simple phrase has changed my life so much for the better that I can't even begin to tell you. But that's for another story.
Recently, I adopted a NEW and specific mantra for my online business that I want to share with you. It's "LEARN BY DOING!". I have already seen this doing wonders for my business so I think if you like the idea, try it out.
I spend thousands of dollars each year on information products - basically seminars, books and courses. Inevitably, I get exposed to so many concepts and ideas that I sometimes think I already know them - just because I read about it or heard about it or seen a video about it. But not true. With my new mantra, I don't consider KNOWING something until I have actually DONE it.
This is especially helpful for my online business where things are constantly evolving. Sometimes, I will read a report or watch a video tutorial and think, "yep, I know this one". BUT, if I have not actually USED it for my business to get results, I cannot say I know it. So now, I have a habit of documenting and putting it on a to-do list on my "brain wall" as I call it so I am constantly taking action daily.
Now I find that I am really LEARNING something new each day. And with each new learning my results keep improving. I'm really excited of how this new mantra will improve my results in the next few years!
So, I hope this email finds you well. If you are keen to try this mantra, post it on your wall, on your laptop and keep it somewhere present so that you are reminded of it and let me know how you go with it. :)
Peace and blessings,
Brian Wong
If you want to see what my "brain wall" looks like, check it out here:
If you want to get helped with your online business, especially the SGR Club affiliate program, I recommend you to visit Brian Wong´s the SGR Club bootcamp and learn how to make serious money with the Law of attraction. Get the Free "Law of Attraction Riches" Report by Brian Wong here.
Freitag, 30. Mai 2008
Learn By Doing ... e-Mail from Brian Wong
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Labels: Affiliate Program, Brian Wong, Law of Attraction, The SGR Club
Mittwoch, 28. Mai 2008
Cathy & Morris Goodman aus the Secret in Oberhausen
Am Samstag, 05. Juli ist Morris Goodman mit seiner Frau Cathy ebenfalls in Oberhausen... Alle the Secret-Fans treffen sich und fahren gemeinsam...
mail now
11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
„The Miracle Men“
Morris Goodmann & seine Frau Cathy
Goodmann. Beide aus dem Film „The
Secret“. Vortragsthema: „Its a cinch... by the
inch.“ An diesem Tag gibt es noch einen kostenlosen
Workshop mit Morris und seiner
Frau Cathy. Die Dauer beträgt ca. 1 Std.
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Montag, 26. Mai 2008
Bob Proctor am 12. Juli 2008 bei Spirit Event in Oberhausen
Bob Proctor ist am Samstag, 12. Juli für einen 90-minütigen Vortrag in Oberhausen -
diese Gelegenheit sollten alle seine treuen Fans nicht verpassen.
Vortragsprogramm Samstag 12. Juli
Programmänderungen vorbehalten.
Meditation mit Nada
Francis Mitchell
Vortrag über das wirken seiner Arbeit als Navajo Medizinmann
Dipl. psych. Dr. Lillija Aschenneller
Vortrag über die Energien der neuen Zeit und wie die göttliche Liebe sich auf den Menschen auswirkt.
Vortrag mit Demonstration
Bob Proctor "The Secret Lehrer" Erfolgscoach und Bestsellerautor
Vortrag "Was muß ich tun, damit ich im Leben Gesundheit, Glück, Erfolg und glückliche Beziehungen habe.
6:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr
Horst Krohne Schule der Geistheilung nach Horst Krohne
Vortrag: Die größte Heilkraft ist die Liebe
Die Nacht der Heiler mit live Musik
Erleben Sie auf dem größtem spirituellen Kongress in Oberhausen ein absolutes Highlight. Die Nacht der Heiler, ein Abend der Sie bewegen wird… und schon viele Menschen bewegt hat.
Hier erwartet Sie ein Erlebnisabend der besonderen Art. Ärzte, Wissenschaftler und Heiler werden an diesem Abend Rede und Antwort stehen. Erleben Sie spannende Gespräche zu den Themen, wie Geistiges Heilen wirken kann, was die Wissenschaft heute dazu sagt und wie Geistiges Heilen schon jetzt immer mehr Zugang zu alternativ arbeitenden Medizinern findet und angewendet wird. Besucher der Nacht der Heiler in Aktion.
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Labels: 7 free lessons, Bob Proctor, Geistiges Heilen, Liebe, Naturheilverfahren, Oberhausen, Spirit Event, The Secret
Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2008
You have a Right to be Rich
The Science of Getting Rich & SGR Club are all about understanding that wealth can be predictable. If you understand the basic Laws of Success and Wealth then you have a foundation and building blocks for building your life, your wealth and ultimately your success. There is a Science of Getting Rich. Think about it, if you play a game, its easier and a lot more fun if you know the rules. But what are the rules for life? The Science of Getting Rich is the book that answers those questions.
Over the next few months I am going to do a short video on all 15 Chapters of the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. I want to introduce you to the concepts of what is possible by following simple steps.
I would love your feedback and comments. I am more than happy to answer questions too.
Chapter 1 - Your Right To Be Rich
Post found on
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Labels: the Science of Getting Rich, The SGR Club, Wallace D. Wattles
Montag, 19. Mai 2008
Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008
"How are you feeling?" asked my friendly neurosurgeon Dr. Alex Gol as I lay in my hospital bed in the rehab hospital at 3:30 P.M. after a torturous day in therapy. I could not yet utter a single word after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the age of 19. So I nodded as if to say, "OK." Dr. Gol then calmly replied, "That's nice," and quickly left the room with a smile.
As he was leaving I thought to myself, "Dr. peaceful." I tried to reposition myself in my bed as the door closed behind him in order to get more comfortable, but something was not "right" in the hospital hallway as I heard a great commotion coming from there. (True, I could not yet speak; however, nothing was wrong with my hearing and there was plenty of screaming coming from the hall.) I wondered, "What was the problem?"
I soon found out the cause of the chaos: it was sweet, serene and calm Dr. Gol who was causing it.
The nurses had never seen Dr. Gol act like that. In fact, they had never heard him raise his voice. They quickly got me out of bed and put me in my wheelchair until 9 P.M.
I was miserable. I wanted to get back into my comfortable bed - well, it was not so comfortable but it was much less uncomfortable than my wheelchair or any kind of chair, for that matter.
As I said, after therapy was over at 3 P.M. I wanted to get straight back in bed; however, throughout the following weeks and months the nurses did not want to face "the wrath of Dr. Gol." Therefore, after therapy I remained in my wheelchair in my room until I went to sleep. Being in the wheelchair for so long was agonizing!
I hated Dr. Gol after that eventful day when he asked me that seemingly simple question while I was trying to relax in bed. However, years later I loved him as I realized Dr. Gol was only doing what was in my best interest.
When I returned to college after being out for so long, my professors, after learning what had happened to me and realizing that I could no longer read as quickly as before I was hurt, were more than happy to say, "Mike, it's ok. Just read what you can and we'll test you on that material." However, one professor did not say that.
Dr. Sheldon Ekland-Olson, a sociology professor, said, "Mike, I understand you have difficulty reading. I've had many students with many visual problems. For those students, I refer them to "Recording for the Blind." They have access to many textbooks on cassettes. Here's the phone number..."
I "hated" that statement as I wanted to take the "easy way out." (My feelings of "hate" were very similar to those I had for Dr. Gol on that eventful afternoon in the hospital.) However, I have since learned that the "easy way" is quite often the "wrong way."
Sometimes everyone needs a "push." Even I, recently, had to be reminded to push myself as I had gotten "lazy" at the gym. However, a "stranger" reminded me to use my right hand. Even though it was difficult, I thanked him for the reminder.
I have learned that the difficult things in life are often the sweet things in life. One cannot experience "beauty" without experiencing "bitterness." Remember, "push" yourself to "get through the thorns of the rose bush, to experience the beautiful flower of the rose."
Every time I think of some difficult thing in life, I close my eyes, see Dr. Gol,
and smile.
Michael Segal
Shot in the head during a robbery, Michael Jordan Segal defied all odds by first surviving and then returning to college. He then earned two degrees with honors, married his high school sweetheart, Sharon, and became a father to their daughter Shawn.
Mike is a social worker at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston and an author (currently he has two book projects he's working on: an autobiography and an anthology of his short stories). He also is a popular inspirational speaker sharing his recipe for recovery, happiness, and success. Please visit his site at:
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Labels: Bob Proctor, insight of the day, Mike Segal
Samstag, 17. Mai 2008
It is virtually impossible to conceal the truth forever. It is the natural order of things that the truth will eventually come out. This single fact is the foundation of our judicial system and the basis on which all human relationships are formed. A business, professional, or personal relationship built upon a lie cannot long endure, but one that is founded on truth and equality of benefit for the participants is unlimited. Make it a practice to tell the truth in all that you do-even when it doesn’t matter-and you will form a habit of truthfulness. You will know instinctively that it is better to tell the truth and face the consequences than to launch a falsehood that will eventually make itself known to the world. of what others think.
This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at We encourage you to forward this to friends and family. They can sign up for this free service at our web site.
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Labels: Napoleon Hill Foundation
Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2008
A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights. And as you begin to raise your vibration, a new life and a new world will reveal itself to you.
There is no limit to how high you can increase your vibration, because there is no limit to the good thoughts you can think, or the good words you can speak, or the acts of kindness that you can do. Other than transforming your own life through lifting your vibration, you lift others' lives too. The positive vibration of your energy emanates out like a stone thrown into water, touching our planet and every living thing on it. As you rise higher, you take the world with you.
The Secret Team has created a gift for you. This clip features our beautiful Planet Earth. As you experience this clip you will emit positive forces of energy across Planet Earth that will reach every single living thing on it. You will lift yourself, and as you lift yourself, you lift the entire world.
The magnificent music was composed and graciously gifted for this clip by composer Jo Blankenburg.
It is not to believe, since watching the Secret the first time, nearly every day something new and astounding from, about or through the creators or the teachers of Secret movie comes to me and my family. Today came the Secret Scrolls from Rhonda Byrne, the Creator of the Secret. I am so happy and grateful now, that she has been inspired by the Science of Getting Rich book, which was given to her by her daughter Haley. Rhonda´s story and what happened not only to her, but to millions of people around the world, is really a miracle. I would like to encourage you to get everything out of the movie the Secret and the wonderful program the SGR Club what my family and me get out of it every day. Get your 7 free lessons here and the free e-Book here.
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Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008
2 Things You Did Not Learn At School
Two of the most important and brilliant people in my life since I´ve been in Scottsdale in January are Jon Yeo and Bob Proctor. Jon provides a great service in his Weekly Action Meetings in Melbourne, Australia and Bob Proctor literally shifted my thinking and my life since watching the Secret almost 2 years ago.
In his Blog Jon Yeo shows a video with Bob Proctor, which I will share with you here -
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Labels: Bob Proctor, Jon Yeo
Sonntag, 4. Mai 2008
Thoughts are things. Every thought you release-good or bad-is a form of energy that can affect those who receive it, for better or worse. More important, your thoughts affect you. You become what you think about most. If you think about success, you condition your mind to seek success, and you attract large portions of it. Conversely, if you think about failure and despair, you will become miserable and desperate. To keep your mind on a positive track, the moment you begin to experience creeping negativism, make a conscious decision to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with their positive counterparts.
This positive message is brought to you by the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Visit us at We encourage you to forward this to friends and family. They can sign up for this free service at our web site.
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