Today I received an E-mail from Jack Canfield with a very inspiring and stimulating idea of creating a vision book, another great idea from one of the teachers featured in the secret, the one and only Jack Canfield. I cannot wait to meeting this incredible person one day, e.g. in Scottsdale, Arizona, where I was in January for the SGR Club experience and the symposium.... Christian a.k.a. luckyfolks
In a previous edition of Success Strategies we discussed how tapping into the powers of the brain with visualization so it will begin to function as if your goals are already attained.
Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmation of your goals, you are certain to achieve them!
Creating a vision book is probably your most valuable visualization tool!
This powerful visualization tool serves as your image of the future, a tangible representation of where you are going. It represents your dreams, your goals, and your ideal life.
Because your mind responds strongly to visual stimulation--by representing your goals with pictures and images you will stimulate your emotions... and your emotions are the vibrational energy that activates the Law of Attraction.Create a personal vision book that clearly depicts the future you wish to create.
Find pictures that represent or symbolize the experiences, feelings, and possessions you want to attract into your life, and place them in your book. Have fun with the process! Use photographs, magazine cutouts, pictures from the Internet--whatever inspires you. Be creative. Include not only pictures, but anything that speaks to you.
Consider including a picture of yourself in your book. If you do, choose one that was taken in a happy moment. You will also want to post your affirmations, inspirational words, quotations, and thoughts here. Choose words and images that inspire you and make you feel good.
You can use your vision book to depict goals and dreams in all areas of your life, or in just one specific area that you are focusing on.
Keep it neat, and be selective about what you place in your vision book. It's a good idea to avoid creating a cluttered or chaotic book--you don't want to attract chaos into your life.
Use only the words and images that best represent your purpose, your ideal future, and words that inspire positive emotions in you. There is beauty in simplicity and clarity.
If you are working on visualizing and creating changes in many areas of your life, then you may want to use more than one vision book. You might use one vision book for your personal goals and another for career and financial goals. You might even want to keep your career vision book at the office or on your desk as a means of inspiration and affirmation.
How to use your vision book.
Try keeping your vision book on the nightstand next to your bed. Leave it standing in an open position as often as you are comfortable with, and spend time each morning and evening visualizing, affirming, believing, and internalizing your goals.
The time you spend visualizing in the evening just before bed is especially powerful. The thoughts and images that are present in your mind during the last forty-five minutes before going to sleep are the ones that will replay themselves repeatedly in your subconscious mind throughout the night, and the thoughts and images that you begin each day with will help you to create a vibrational match for the future you desire.
As some time goes by, and your dreams begin to manifest, look at those images that represent your achievements, and feel gratitude for how well the Law of Attraction is working in your life. Acknowledge that it is working.
Don't remove the pictures or images that represent the goals you've already achieved.
Achievement of the goals in your vision book are powerful visual reminders of what you have already consciously and deliberately attracted into your life.
I recommend you write down the date you created your vision book. The universe loves speed, and you will be amazed at just how quickly the Law of Attraction responds to your energy, commitment, and desires.
Much like a time capsule, this book will document your personal journey, your dreams, and your achievements for that particular year. It will become a record of your growth, awareness, and expansion that you will want to keep and reflect back upon in years to come.
Final thoughts on using your completed vision book:
Look at your vision book often and feel the inspiration it provides.
Hold it in your hands and really internalize the future it represents.
Read your affirmations and inspirational words aloud.
See yourself living in that manner.
Feel yourself in the future you have designed.
Believe it is already yours.
Be grateful for the good that is already present in your life.
Acknowledge any goals you have already achieved.
Acknowledge the changes you have seen and felt.
Acknowledge the presence of God in your life.
Acknowledge the Law of Attraction at work in your life.
Look at it just before going to bed and first thing upon rising.
I hope I've inspired you to create your own vision book and start implementing what you learned from today's message.
See it. Feel it. Believe it!
The Jack Canfield Companies
P.O. Box 30880
Santa Barbara, CA 93130
(805) 563-2935
Freitag, 14. März 2008
How to Create an Empowering Vision Book - You are the author... just add dreams!
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Labels: affirmation, inspiration, Jack Canfield, subconscious mind, success strategies, vision book, visualization