It was a little bit nerving to some people when everytime they started my Blog the virtual Ipod started, and even when the one and only one and marvellous EARL NIGHTINGALE was to hear with his "strangest secret in the world" I took the iPod off and put it into the download section. Have fun and get his meassage at least once a week ...
I want to take the chance now to express my deep gratitude for this incredible message by Earl Nightingale, introduced by Marc Victor Hansen and also for the great interviews by Bill Harris with Joe Vitale, John Assaraf, James Ray, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols and Michael Beckwith.
Montag, 11. Februar 2008
virtual iPod now on the free downloads section
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Labels: bill harris, Earl Nightingale, ipod, Jack Canfield, James Ray, Joe Vitale, john assaraf, Lisa Nichols, Michael Beckwith, The Strangest Secret