It's time to bring "Intentional Ones" together online!
If your interested in Mind, Body & Spirit related issues, or those of,
Alternative Living (such as energy, medicine, treatments, fuels, foods,
healing and more...), or just want to be "connected" with others who
are, then Intentional One is for you!
Intentional One, allows you to network using your choice of tools -
from live video chat to email - and everything in between, with more
added all the time!
There's lots of social sites to choose from these days, but we're
different , because we're "focused " on bringing "like minded" people,
Friends - together online !
Intentional One wants to be the place where, not only are we all
connected with each other, but where we can share what we’re
learning and becoming.
Manifesting, Law of Attraction, Intention, Creating, Becoming, Healing,
Humanity, Healing, Happiness, [real]Wealth, Kindness, Teaching,
Learning, Gratitude, Giving, Receiving, Self Help, Self Improvement,
Thoughts Are Things, Attitudes, Feng Shui, The Sub Conscious, Reiki,
Hypnosis, and so much more, are just some of the keywords that will
tell you if it’s the place for you to really connect and become so much
Imagine a place, not so different than MySpace, Yuwie, or other “Social
Networks”, where the entire community might end uo on your “Friends
Come by and check us out. Join for free, set up a profile, and start
sharing. We are all students, and all teachers. To learn anything, teach
another. That is your True Purpose, and that Purpose has led you right
here to this page…
~Come Help Us Grow~
Samstag, 9. Februar 2008
Join थे intentional community on IntenionalOne
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Labels: attitude, Feng Shui, Gratitude, happiness, Intentions, Law of Attraction, Self हेल्प, sub Conscious