Michael Bernard Beckwith in
Session No. 3
"The Secret Science of Getting Rich"
Is Opportunity Monopolized?
People Labour under the False Idea that they´re Living
in a Universe of Lack and Limitation and Not-Enoughness.
Please Understand that the Universe is the Manifestation of the Order,
the Harmony and the Intelligence of the Mind of God.
It is Infinite. It is Abundant.
As a Matter of Fact the Visible Universe is this the Tip of the Iceberg
of what is contained within the Mind of God.
The Good that You are Seeking, the Good you wish to express in Your Life,
the Good You Wish to Embody and Reveal comes from a Source and
a Supply that is Infinite beyond Measure.
YOU have the Capacity to Release all of that Power and
to Reveal it in Your Life NOW.
There is the Unmanifest and there is the Manifest;
there is the Visible - there is the Invisible;
there is the Wave - there is the Particle -
if You want to Use Quantum Analogy.
So Understand:
You´re Living in a Sea of Abundance.
As You Begin to Realise this; as You Begin to Understand this,
You´ll Begin to Understand,
that there is Infinte Opportunities in Front of You ... All the time;
there is Infinite Capacity within You ... All the time;
there is Infinite Power within You ... All the time.
The Great Secret is Available to All.
You don´t need to Be a Special Person;
You don´t to be Born under a Lucky Star;
the Numbers don´t have to be lined up in - it´s just perfectly;
this Secret when You Begin to Understand it will Change Your Life
and it is Now Available to YOU...
Montag, 5. November 2007
Is Opportunity Monopolized?
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Labels: God, Harmony, Intelligence, Michael Beckwith, Opportunity, The Secret, Universe