Identify your beliefs about money.
We are talking now about magnetizing yourself to prosperous beliefs, because most people who are unhealthy, unhappy, and broke have poverty consciousness.
They have poverty beliefs. We are going to start talking about prosperity and becoming wealthy and attracting money and becoming a magnet to money.
If you really get into this material, you will hear statements like this from your programming:
Be happy with what you have.
Don’t feel bad.
Don’t get your hopes up.
Be realistic.
Who do you think you are?
There's not enough to go around.
People with money are evil.
People with money are not ethical.
People with a lot of money only care about themselves.
It can't happen to you.
You are unlucky.
It can happen to her/him but not to you.
You are not smart enough.
You don't have enough money to make big money.
You don't have the right education to make it big.
Everyone can't be a millionaire.
Money doesn't bring happiness.
Money is the root of all evil.
Wealthy people are crooks.
Money corrupts.
Rich people only care about money.
Who said that only wealthy people think about money? I know a lot of people who are broke who think about money all the time.
People with money are not ethical? Come on! Who do you think is robbing the banks? You are not going to see a millionaire stick up a convenience store or rob somebody by knife point!
These silly poverty beliefs need to be challenged. It is okay to evaluate any idea and I am going to do that by getting you to do something that might be painful.
I want you to think about money. I am going to walk you through various concepts related to money. I know you have heard things about the love of money and all the problems associated with having money but I am going to have you flip it around for a second and think about what problems you have had because you have lacked money in your life.
Think about it. It’s a hassle to be broke. I know. I know what it is like to have them take the car back and the foreclose on the house and be humiliated because of lack of money.
As a kid, I remember having to wear my sister’s coat to school. I had to wear a girl’s coat to school.
from: Millionaire´s Mindset by: Gerry Robert
Freitag, 31. August 2007
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Labels: attracting money, consciousness, education, Gerry Robert, happiness, millionaire mindset, prosperity