Some of the topics of the Science of Getting Rich Seminar
* The Right to be Rich – Discover the number one belief that keeps people broke and in debt most of their lives. Learn how to change it so that earning large amounts of money becomes an easy natural part of your life.
* There is a Science of Getting Rich – Learn how everything in our universe is governed by exact laws and the earning of money is no exception. Once you learn how to “live by law” you attract everything you need for the fulfillment of your goals.
* Is Opportunity Monopolized? – This lesson teaches you the power of perception and how to change yours for greater success. All success is predicated on your ability to recognize and act on opportunities. You will learn how to find opportunities everywhere and act on them.
* The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich – Develop an understanding of how the human mind works to bring you success or failure and why it will manifest into your life, whatever idea is programmed. Then identify hidden beliefs and fears that block success and wealth form entering your life. Followed by a thorough integration of beliefs and ideas that will open the gates of prosperity.
* Increasing Life – Every human being has needs they attempt to fulfill from the moment of birth. You will learn how some of the ways people have been taught to fulfill these needs actually hinders success in every area of life. Here’s a hint: What makes you feel secure mentally, financially and emotionally? The answer will surprise you.
* How Riches Come to You – True wealth that will last forever only comes to you one way. People may attain large amounts of money and success many different ways but they are always subject to failure. When you learn how to “Be Rich” first, failure becomes a thing of the past and success becomes a way of life.
* Gratitude – Gratitude is your connecting link to the source of all abundance. You cannot have faith without gratitude and you will learn why faith is a prerequisite to success.
* Thinking in the Certain Way – Wallace D. Wattles wrote the book The Science of Getting Rich in 1903 and stated “A person does not get rich by doing certain things but by doing things in a certain way” the reason for failure where ever it may be is always do to incorrect thinking. Even the most prestigious schools of our time don’t teach people how to think. When you learn how to think in “The Certain Way” you then have the ability to make your dreams a reality.
* How to Use the Will – Will power is nothing more than your ability to concentrate. Few people have ever been taught how to harness the miraculous power of their mind and make it work for them to achieve astonishing results in their lives. You will be taught a simple technique that will allow you to increase your powers of concentration to a laser like focus to break through all opposing obstacles and barriers.
* Acting in “The Certain Way” – People who struggle and or fail are often busier than those who experience success. The reason for their struggle is they spend their time doing certain things believing those things will bring them success, security or healthy relationships, yet the things they desire the most always seem to elude them. After learning how to “Act in the Certain Way” you will find that you spend less time working, doing fewer things you don’t like to do and earning the amount of money to live the life you choose to live. Never again will you sacrifice your life to people or things you do not choose.
* Efficient Action – David points out every act is either a success or a failure. Each one moves you in the direction of your goal or further away. When you learn to live and work by law, your days become filled with actions that are successful. Happiness, health and wealth are determined by whether or not your actions are successful. The process of trial and error is a waste of time and money and most people find it extremely discouraging. The more efficient each action is the faster you move towards the end result.
* Getting into the Right Business – Have you ever dreamt of starting your own business? Perhaps you don’t like what you are doing now but you feel stuck because of money and responsibilities. David wants you to know you can do what you love to do. You are not alive to waste your dream or spend your time working for people you don’t even like. What business is right for you? You will get answers to these questions and more in “The Science of Getting Rich” Seminar.
* The Impression of Increase – Every person on earth is seeking some kind of increase in his or her life. You will understand how the magic of increase can change your life in the blink of an eye and propel you to wealth and abundance.
* The Advancing Person – Discover how to advance your results with lightening-like speed and the best part is you will also show others how to do the same.
Your way to the secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar is here
Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007
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