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See Bob Proctor Live in TORONTO
(One Day Only - TUESDAY - July 31 - FREE Seminar)
You've seen him on...
Larry King Live
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
CBS, NBC, ABC andThe Secret
Now see him in person.
Just Added...
Meet Bob Proctor, from the hit movie The Secret. He
is coming to TORONTO to speak LIVE.
Come hear Bob Proctor for this Surprise - Unscheduled Visit...
Over 700 registered within the first 48 hours. Register NOW! This surprise UNSCHEDULED event with Bob Proctor- FREE. to register for this FREE Seminar, simply go to Confirmation will be sent immediately via email. The reaction in the TORONTO area has been so awesome we've managed to get Bob Proctor to agree to do an unscheduled seminar.
Experience Bob Proctor in person at this ONE DAY ONLY event offering one of the world’s most dynamic, compelling, transformational
speakers in the industry. Bob Proctor is a direct link to the modern science of success and The Law of Attraction, stretching back to Andrew Carnegie,
the great financier and philanthropist. He is widely regarded as one of the living masters and teachers of the Law of Attraction
and is featured in blockbuster hit, The Secret. If, time after time, you think everything is coming together and the success you seek seems to be right on your doorstep...
only to find the pieces really don't fit and you have to start over... you're going to love this seminar! Step by step, piece by
piece, this seminar will show you how to attract the results you've always wanted. Created exclusively for people of action who are absolutely committed to creating and attracting abundance in all areas of
you life, you are invited to experience: An increase of awareness about why you are NOT receiving the income and life you know you should be.
Secrets of wealth from those who have already achieved it;
How to get past the beliefs (even the unconscious ones from childhood) that are holding you back from total success;
Why you should raise your expectations to start reaching your goals;
How to differentiate yourself in the marketplace.
Quantum leap your business and your sales.
In this FREE seminar, Bob Proctor will give you time-tested concepts and ready-made solutions that help you
immediately improve your results and eliminate the obstacles that have previously blocked the path to your greater success. The Law of Attraction is revealed.
In this one-day program, Bob Proctor will teach and show you how to shift your mind to consciously and knowingly attracting
that which you desire. You see, whether you know it or not, the results you are getting in your life are a mirror image of the
thoughts you have been holding in your mind. In fact, you might be experiencing frustration because – try as you might – you
can't seem to jump to a higher, consistent level of success.
This event will be sold out!
TUESDAY - July 31 - 7PM to 10PM
Sheraton Parkway Hotel
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1B2 Canada