Dienstag, 15. September 2009

Practice makes peaceful...

Okay, we all know what choices will make our lives better. We all know what things will cause for us to be happier people. We all know deep down inside which direction leads towards our dreams and which direction doesn't. It takes a great deal of practice and discipline to free yourself from the smallness we sometimes play. The best athletes and performers in the world are the best not because they showed up to one practice one time and said, 'I got it, I can do this on my own,' but because they showed up again and again and again (even when they didn't want to be there.) They embraced being on a team and learning from their mistakes to become better.

The same goes for life...If you TRULY want your life to shine and your dreams to come true...what choices are you going to make that serve you in the direction you desire to go? Which habits are you willing to let go of in order to move you forward in the direction your heart is yearning to go?

I used to think practice and discipline were the things that would constrict my freedom...however overtime, with wisdom and persistence, I have found that practice and discipline are the things that set us free.

What practice can you begin committing to that will take you in the direction of your dreams. Making the choice to become all you can be is the biggest step along the way...Say YES today :-)



visit Brad and become a member of the Honory GratiDudes group on Facebook, practice a habit of being grateful and do the GratiDude Dance every day .. http://www.theGratiDudes.com