Dienstag, 22. April 2008

The Sandy Forster Workshop Call

3/24/08 Provided by Harrison Klein and Dr. Robin Ivey
“True Millionaire Stories”

It’s not what you do, what’s what you think about what you do.
Doesn’t matter what you “want”, if you are thinking about and worrying about the current negative circumstances, you won’t get what you want.
You need to change your vibration around money. Accumulate techniques and strategies to keep your focus on prosperity and abundance.

Big Picture of Visualization:
She said persistence is the ground level; the most critical thing - - even when the current reality is daunting.
And it’s a choice/decision that is also critical. You can’t just ‘wish’ and ‘want’.
Not, “I want to be successful”.

Be open and believe that anything is possible. NO limitations. If you can think it, you can create it.

She reminded us that Everything is made of energy. Pretend it’s like a ‘data warehouse’ – only it’s the manifesting warehouse.
We need to think of the energy of the universe as being a warehouse. And everything you WANT is in the ‘warehouse’. So just put in your order,

She used an example of wanting a Porsche. She said – you see one, and think – “Oh, I really want to have that car! God, I’d be so happy in that car”. So the Universe hears your order and they get it out of the warehouse and prepare it for delivery. It’s just coming out of the warehouse and getting ready to ship to you and then you think, “but I could never afford that car”. So then the Universe backs it up and puts it back in the warehouse, because you canceled your order. Most of the time; we are ordering, and canceling, and ordering and canceling over and over.

Here’s the recipe:
• Decide you will have it
• Then make a specific picture of it
• Then you need to apply the energy of desire and excitement about it to make the manifesting vibration.

Let’s practice by focusing on one thing tonight – and walk through the steps together for successful Creative Visualization.
Pretend you really want a certain house.
Eyes closed, body relaxed; take long, slow, deep breaths, to move into your Alpha state. To reach this state of deep breathing, take long deep breath in, hold it, and feel a wave of relaxation come in through the top of your head, then all through the body, and out through the toes, then exhale. Then repeat a few times until you get into that space between conscious and subconscious.

Imagine it, this house - - through your own experience – not as a 3rd person watching yourself. Use all 5 senses, this is important. See your hand opening the door by twisting the door handle, hear the sounds in the house, smell things in the kitchen cooking, open the fridge and taste something, touch the furniture or plants or walls, carpets, etc. Feel the sun coming in the window, feel that it is already real. It has already happened, feel how great it feels to be in this situation, right now!

When you are in this alpha state and imaginary state, just imagine it is one year later in time; and you have been able to attract into your life the resources needed to make your dream come true. Put yourself there, a year from now - - and see and feel yourself living in your dream. Feel the feeling of joy, accomplishment, peace, gratitude, even the relief that you will feel when you are there! The feelings are critical. Be in the picture and feel the feelings. Magnify the emotions as much as you can. Intensify them and flood your body with them.

Not just to see the picture, be IN the picture. Humming from the inside out – this is the vibration that attracts the Universal Sources. The energy of the emotion is the secret ingredient.

Take a big long slow deep breath in, hold it, breathe out the joy, gratitude, peace, happiness. Do this 3 times. Feel completely relaxed, and know the order has been made to the Universe. And then, be open and receptive to the mechanisms appearing.

It’s important to stay in the feeling as if its already happened. When you have the negative thoughts that would cancel the order, remind yourself that if you thought of it in the first place, then it IS in your conscious data warehouse! A desire is the Universe knocking on your door to your mind. Also, if you have doubts - - focus on the things you HAVE been able to manifest. These are your proof sources, and realize that to the Universe, it’s all the same – big and small. If you can manifest small things, you can just as easily manifest a big ‘order’.

She then talked about the reverse probability that you can create negative experiences if you give them enough emotion. Used an example of a time she thought she left the stove on when she left the house to run an errand and pictured the house burning down. She felt so much fear and panic during the imagined situation; it was like it was real. Then two days later while working in a side room, she left something on the stove and almost burned her house down. She had created so much energy and feeling into that experience that she almost created it for herself! The lesson in this part of the lesson – was that she said – whenever you feel HUGE negative energy – whether it’s fear, or anger, or resentment, or whatever it is – realize the POWER of the intensity of that emotion and CHOSE right then and there to switch it up to a positive creative visualization for that which you WANT instead of that which you are finding painful.

Because you get what you think about when you think with energy, emotion, and engagement.
That’s it!!