Montag, 10. Dezember 2007

Putting It All Together

The stories shared on this website, the daily Blog entries and all the inspirational quotes are here to ultimately help you reach your desired goals. The journey, if you commit to traveling it, is simple, but not necessarily easy. On this page, we share steps and knowledge which will ensure your success.

Step 1: Form a clear picture of your goal. Along with the clear picture, give your goals details associated with having reached them. If your goal is to own a certain type of car, mentally see the car, the interior, hear the sound system and add more details that will come with owning the car.

Step 2: You must spend as much of your free time as possible thinking about your goal. You must mentally see it, along with its details, at every possible moment. Proceed with your daily necessities, but focusing on your goal must take priority over all non-essential activities.

Step 3: Have faith that you are receiving what you want. Don't allow temporary circumstances or perceived setbacks to discourage you. And don't even think about quitting. This journey requires some mental toughness. Have the attitude that your understanding is limited and there's a greater force working to make your goals become a reality. However, you must do your part which is to stay focused and keep believing.

Step 4: Live, mentally, as though your goals are a reality. Whatever your goals are, carry yourself as though they exist now. This might require a little effort at first, but you'll get the hang of it if you stay with it. Whatever you want to be eventually, you must be every day....

Step 5: Never think or speak in a discouraged or discouraging way. This is where you lean on your faith. Don't allow circumstances to fool you. There is infinity more that we don't know than we do. Something your current level of understanding considers disasterous might lead to the biggest break of your life. Keep believing.

Step 6: Maintain a grateful attitude. If you truly believe you are receiving what you want, be grateful for it all the time. Be grateful for perceived obstacles because it's all going to work out for you, if you stick with the program. Don't wait until your goals become a reality to be grateful, be grateful every step along the way, it'll make the journey much more pleasant.

Step 7: Work, every day on your job with your goal firmly planted in your mind. Opportunities will open for you. If you're not working, work on finding a job as though it were your job. It's important that you not create undue financial hardships. They can affect your ability to focus on your goals. Conduct your business just as you do now, but keep the vision of your goal in mind as you go through your days.

Step 8: Let go of when and how your goals are achieved. Deadlines will only discourage you if things don't happen when you want. Go on believing, expecting and being grateful that your goals are coming into being. How your goals happen don't matter. The important thing is that they do happen. Stay out of the way and let things happen. Focus on your goals and all their details, all the while living mentally in the environment and condition you want.

Step 9: Protect your mind from outside influences contrary to what you're practicing. The daily news, friends, co-workers and others may mean well, but they will supply you with many reasons to turn back from this journey. If you listen long enough, you'll begin agreeing with their flawed and limited outlook. Also, don't try to mix philosophies in hopes of achieving faster results. You can achieve anything you could ever want by following the steps outlined here.

Step 10: Never compete for your goals. The supply of opportunities and things is unlimited. You don't need to beat anybody to anything. If someone gets something you wanted, have faith that you'll receive something even better. Once again, it's a matter of faith. If you're going to receive all that's available for you, you must believe you will and act accordingly. Believe you've received it, then think and act as though it's in your possession.

The final step is to enjoy the life you've created. You're armed with the knowledge to create anything you desire. It's now up to you to put these principles into practice. The whole world is yours for the asking. You can do, have or become anything you want, if you're willing to take the journey.

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