What do we really mean when we ask each other “how
are you doing?”
Most of the time it is a surface level comment
just to be polite.
For most of my life I have tried to maintain a
positive mental attitude.
However, from time to time I allowed myself,
like you probably do as well, to wallow around
in self pity.
Then I would despise how I felt and change my thoughts.
After changing my thoughts I soon found that my
reality would change as well.
Henry Ford, the famous American who revolutionized
automobile manufacturing said, “Thoughts are things.”
He was right. Thoughts determine the lens of how we
view and perceive the world.
And we can consciously change how and what we think.
I’ve done it.
In the past, when people asked how I was doing my
reaction was usually to give a summary of my
How are you doing? “Oh, pretty good.”
How are you doing? “I’ve been better.”
These were common answers to the questions. What
I found was that what I thought and then spoke
became my reality. Literally, one day I woke up
and DID NOT like my reality. So I began speaking
a desired reality into existence.
Now, when asked how I am doing, I always say, “I’m
having the BEST day ever!”
The reaction from some people is priceless. These
usually sound something like:
“Wow, I wish I was too,” or, “Gee, that’s great!”
and sometimes the brave (or just curious) will ask,
“Really? Why’s that?”
It’s one of the most frequent questions I get. How
can this be your best day ever?
I even have one client who argues with me. She says,
“I’m having a pretty good day, but it’s not the best
day I’ve ever had.” After several attempts to explain
the philosophy behind my statement, her exasperation
became so great that she just stopped asking me how
I was doing!
Have the BEST day ever!
It is NOT about the circumstances, it’s about your
mindset. Each and every one of us has circumstances
each day that range from unpleasant to really bad.
If you focused on the circumstances, then yes, that
becomes your reality.
In my book of faith and doctrine it says, “be content
in whatever circumstances in which you find yourself. . .”
I thought about that a lot and decided that I would
give it a try, and have the best day ever.
Also, I began to live in the present. It used to be
that I could not enjoy the present because of “suffering
from mistakes” of my past, and worrying about what
would happen in my future.
My conclusion is that the only day I have is today.
Now. Right now. That’s it, I can’t get back my
yesterdays and there is no promise of tomorrow. I
only have today. If that isn’t enough of a realization
for you to have the best day ever then “snap out of it!”
You see it boils down to this. This is the only day
you have. Yesterday is gone, forever, and, tomorrow
may never come. Yes, this is the best day ever!
No matter what your circumstances, IT IS THE BEST
Some always find a way to ask about bad possibilities:
“What if you lose your job?” I was out of work when
I found this one, so the door for greater opportunity
will swing open. Have the BEST day ever!
“What if a family member dies?” Then I will celebrate
their life and cherish all the memories I have.
Have the BEST day ever!
What if you die in a car crash on the way home?”
According to my book of faith and doctrine, I am
promised a new body in a beautiful place, with my
Messiah, forever. Now how can that be bad?
Have the BEST day ever!
Once you determine that you will not be emotionally
pushed back and forth by the “things that happen”
in your life, you will find that you no longer continue
to attract these negatives.
Your reality is that you will begin attracting good
things in your life.
In fact, people will become attracted to you because
of your genuine positive charge. The reverse is true
of “negative” people. Nobody enjoys their company
and most will simply try to avoid them.
Take the first step. Tell yourself that this is
the BEST day ever.
It’s ok if you don’t “feel” it or believe it yet.
Just say it. Every time you are asked “how are you
doing?” simply say “I’m having the BEST day ever!”
Your speaking it will make it your reality!
Have the BEST day ever!
Freitag, 12. Juni 2009
Have The BEST Day Ever! from Lance Curtis
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